Principal's Report

Dear school community,
I am very pleased to announce that our Review Report will be placed on our school website and the outcome of the review process has been very positive. The Review Panel were impressed with direction that the school is moving towards and the positive school culture that is forming amongst our school community.
Our school’s website has recently being updated to reflect our values and beliefs. Please take some time to browse through our website where you will find information on what your child will be learning every semester in each Learning Area, including the Specialists areas.
Our Specialists Timetable is also available on our website. Being able to access this timetable will provide you with information to talk to your child about their specialists classes they access each day. Additionally our Four Year Scope and Sequence (Unit Overviews) indicates when students will be accessing different sections of the Achievement Standards in each of the Australian Curriculum Learning Areas. If you would like to know at which level your child is working at please discuss this with your child’s classroom teacher.
Our teachers use Seesaw as a platform to share students learning and in some cases communicate with families. As we build the capability of our school community we hope to move towards using Seesaw as the main avenue to communicate with families. We have a small number of families who haven’t accessed Seesaw as of yet and a staff member from the school will be making contact with you over the next few weeks to help you with the set up thereof. We understand that everybody has their own pace in adjusting to this new strategy and we would like to provide everybody with the support they need.
Thank you to all of our mums, grandma’s and family members who joined our Morning Tea on Friday. I really enjoyed getting to know our wonderful and very important members of our families over a cuppa. We organised a coffee van (Coffee4U2U) to provide lovely coffees and latte’s to our mums in celebrating our very important roles. Dean St Bakery provided freshly bakes scones and Fuel Café supplied tasty sandwiches and other savouries. Thank you to our P&C for organising this special event. Please note that we have our next P&C Meeting on Friday, 13 May at 9:00 at the school.
Healthy eating and regular physical activity are essential to promoting and maintaining good health. Approximately, a quarter of children are overweight or obese. This is a serious issue as people who are overweight or obese carry a greater risk of a number of immediate and long-term health and psychosocial problems. Excess weight gain in children is usually a result of excess energy intake (kilojoules or calories) through eating too much food or the wrong type of food, combined with doing too little physical activity or being inactive for too much of the day. Food and drinks consumed by children also affect oral (dental) health and contribute to the high rates of tooth decay in Queensland children. The government has identified the health of Queenslanders as a priority and has a range of strategies, programs and initiatives to encourage a healthy lifestyle. The aim is to increase the proportion of adults and children with a healthy body weight.
We have included the Smart Choices Pamphlet which will assist families with selecting foods and drinks to be supplied for school lunches. The Smart Choices Booklet is all about offering healthy food and drink choices to students in Queensland schools and can be accessed on our school website. Foods and drinks have been classified into three categories according to their nutritional value:
Green—have plenty - these foods and drinks are encouraged and promoted in schools.
Amber—select carefully - these foods and drinks should not dominate choices and should be avoided in large serve sizes.
Red—occasional - the availability of these foods and drinks should be limited to no more than two occasions per term.
We understand the complexities of the types of food our students like but continue to encourage your child to follow the health advice from Australian Guidelines for Healthy Eating.
May is Domestic and Family Violence Prevention month, and the theme for 2022 is All of us, together. Further information, services and support for people impacted by domestic and family violence DFV, can be located on the following website:
A friendly reminder that my door is always open for families to discuss anything that relates to the improvement of our students learning journey.
Please stay safe and dry over the next few days.
Kind regards,