Student Name: Payton Marley

Business Name:  Eaton Pet Vet

  1. What are your main tasks? Cleaning, watching surgeries, wrap medical kits, feeding animals.
  2. What hours do you work? 8.30am-4pm.
  3. How many people do you work with?  6 or 7 people.
  4. What is the best part of the work that you are doing? Learning new skills. Patting and feeding animals.                                                                                                                       
  5. What is your least favourite task and why? Cleaning – because it's boring.
  6. Do you think that being at the Ag school has helped with the work that you are doing?  Kind of, as it has helped me use my initiative.
  7. Why (what skills that you have learned have helped you – welding, auto, farm etc)?  Working on the Farm and with animals and being independent.