Learning Areas


The Prep Team have been very impressed by how our students have settled back into school in Term 2. A huge thank you to all the families who have supported their children in settling back into the school routine.


The first two weeks have seen us continuing to work on segmenting and blending sounds (both in Reading and Writing). We have of course continued our Phonics work through lots of hands-on activities and the singing of our chants. Please continue to practise the chants as well as the ones below, which we will learn during the next two weeks.


Umbrella up, /u/, /u/, /u/

Lizard likes lollipops /l, /l/, /l/

Five fish, /f/, /f/, /f/

Bounce Balloons /b/, /b/, /b/


In Mathematics, we have been exploring capacity and length. We have been experimenting with how much different containers can hold and using the language of ‘shorter’ and ‘longer’ to measure items in the classroom. In Integrated, we have started our unit on My Family. A big thank you to families who have sent their home group teacher a picture. In Term 2, the preps will be exploring the question: ‘What makes a family?’ The photo provides a stimulus for the children to explore and compare what their families have in common and makes them unique. We look forward to showcasing a student created museum exhibition at the end of the term of all the fantastic work the students have completed.


In great news our home reader program started on Wednesday 4th of May!A friendly reminder that your child will need to bring their Blue Home Reading Bag (with their name clearly marked on the front) and their reading diary to school with them every day.  This bag can be purchased through the uniform shop and the diary can be purchased by making a payment on Compass. The students will change their home readers every day and bring home levelled books to share with you. In other news, Library borrowing will start on Thursday the 13th of May. Each student will receive a free blue library bag from the school with an individualised name tag attached to it, which they will use to bring their books to and from school in.


From Abbie, Joe, Sengul and Lexie

 Grade 1

Grade 2

ANZAC Day in Year 2 


As we begin Term 2, the Year 2 students are getting very excited to do the planned activities.


It will be another busy term ahead but how did we start Week 1?  

Well, as the week started with Anzac Day,  we proudly discussed this day and its significance. Some of our class members, with their families, took part in commemorative services so they shared their experiences with us. We then listened to the Bugle Reverie and Last Call music; shared our understanding about the Anzac symbols; and we finally conveyed our thoughts and feelings after looking at old photos.


We hope you have an opportunity to see our collaborative work that displays our commemoration of the  Anzac heroes, Lest we forget.  

Grade 3/4

In the grade 3 and 4 area we started the term learning about data and how to show data using graphs and charts. We made surveys to collect data and practised using sentences to describe data like “There are more right handed students than left handed students.”


We have started our new maths subject of “2D shapes and 3D objects”. We did a lot of exploring how many edges, faces and vertices different objects have.


In Integrated Curriculum we have started our new topic, Explorers. We have started researching European explorers who have had a significant impact on the history of Australia. We are learning about the lives of the explorers and the skills needed to travel the world hundreds of years ago. 

Grade 5/6