Council Matters

The school council has now settled into a rhythm of face to face meetings which is a nice change from the virtual world for almost two years. We definitely take our role very seriously to “set the key directions … decide the future directions for the school and oversee the school’s operation”.
The budget has been set for a productive and exciting year ahead with many exciting activities and projects to be realised this year. We signed off the Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) 2022 for improving student outcomes and we look forward to reviewing our progress.
We are so fortunate to be involved in a school that has so many activities available to our students. Many of which would not be possible without the financial support from the school families. These activities enhance and enrich the learning activities of the students and make the school the success that it is.
Feel free to reach out to school council if you have any operational questions. Our meeting times are on the school website.
Bernadette Gooda
MGSC School Council Vice President