Community News

Enrolments for 2023
Come one, come all! Please continue to spread the word to any families who may be looking to enrol their child at our school. Enrolment enquiries for all year levels are welcome all year round. Current families are also encouraged to submit enrolment applications for younger children at your earliest convenience.
School Tours operate on the first Monday of the month (within the School Term). Our next School Tour will take place this coming Monday 1 August at 9.30am.
2023 Prep Enrolment Process & Timeline
1. Completion of Sacred Heart Kew Enrolment Application form (see attachment below)
2. Submitting Enrolment Application form with all the required documentation and a $100 non-refundable enrolment fee to the Office - 2023 Prep Enrolment Applications were due at the end of Term 1 (Friday 8 April, 2022)
3. An interview with the Principal and/or Deputy Principal will be required (Monday 26 April - Friday 6 May, 2022)
4. Attendance at our Prep Parent Information Night held in the latter part of the year
(Parents will hear from the School Principal, Deputy Principal, Religious Education Leader. The Prep teachers will outline what Sacred Heart Kew has to offer your child. Sacred Heart Kew Parents’ Association and Out of Hours Care representatives will also share information with you). This evening is for parents only.
5. 2023 Prep students will be invited to participate in 3 'Transition' sessions held towards the end of 2022. These sessions will support their transition as they prepare to become Preps at Sacred Heart Kew in 2023.
Sacred Heart Kew Enrolment Application Form
Other Enrolment Forms/Information that may be useful
Other Flyers you and your family might be interested in