School News

Queen's Birthday Holiday
A reminder that Monday 13 June is a Public Holiday. See you all again on Tuesday 14 June.
Division Cross Country
Congratulations to all the students who participated in the Division Cross Country on Monday 30 May. We wish Nadia P (4TH) and Carter G (3GR) all the very best as they compete in Regional Cross Country on Tuesday 14 June.
Feast of the Sacred Heart Food Drive
The Feast of the Sacred Heart will be celebrated on Friday 24 June. Details about activities on the day will be communicated in due course.
As part of our support of the Brigidine Asylum Resource Centre, we are asking families to donate items such as flour, cooking oil, tinned fruit and toothpaste. See the flyer above.
To coincide with our Wellbeing Day on Monday 20 June, Sr. Brigid Arthur, founder of the Brigidine Asylum Resource Centre, will be a guest speaker and talk to the children about the donations and how they help those in need.
Donations can be made from 13-24 June. Please send any donations with your child to their classroom teacher before 24 June.
Alternatively, use the QR code on the poster if you would like to make a cash donation to support the centre.
We thank you for your support and donations to those in need.
Zart Art Student Art Competition
For more information about prizes go to
Semester 1 Reports
At this time of every school year, our teachers complete formal school reports for your children, reflecting their learning progress and achievement across the semester. Many hours are spent fine-tuning these documents before they appear in front of parents and children. Your child's school report will be sent home electronically at the end of Term 2, Friday 24 June. More information on how to access your child's Semester 1 Report will be communicated via our Skoolbag app closer to the date.
Thanks to our dedicated teachers for all their efforts as they complete these detailed and important documents, reporting on each child's learning progress and achievement in the first part of the 2022 school year.
Parent/Teacher Chats
Parent/Teacher Chats will be held on Thursday 14 July, 2022 (first week back of Term 3). On this day, all children will finish school at 12.45pm, and the first interviews will commence at 1.30pm, running through to 7.30pm.
If you are unable to pick your children up there will be supervision provided by staff not engaged in the Parent/Teacher Chats. After School Care will be provided as usual from 3.15pm onwards. An Operoo form will be shared with parents closer to the date.
Further details about the Parent/Teacher Chats will be communicated in the next few weeks.