Class News/Learning & Teaching

6AP News
In our Inquiry Unit “Digital World”, we have been learning about binary numbers and the ASCII code, input and output digital devices and old technology. We invited Ben, our IT Specialist into our classroom to explore the different components of a desktop computer, a laptop and a chromebook. During Ben’s visit he used a GoPro to film the inside of the computers. We were able to identify the RAM, CPU, GPU, fan, storage, motherboard, mainboard and power supply. We asked Ben many questions about how these components help to power and work the computer. It also allowed us to understand where the binary code in computers operates from. We learnt that inside a computer there are gold and copper components, therefore it is important to not allow your computer to get wet.
The next day we invited our Prep Buddies into the classroom to present some old technology that we had collected from home. For each piece of technology we made a plaque to explain each device’s purpose, use, and whether it was an input or output device. We then walked around our ‘museum’, showing the devices to our buddies, teaching our buddies about each device and its function. This was a great opportunity for us to share our knowledge and become teachers for our buddies. The preps really enjoyed spending time with us in our classroom and we had a fantastic time hosting them.
Year 2 Experience
The Year 2 students share their favourite part of the Year 2 Experience last Thursday.
My favourite part of our Year 2 Experience was when we went to the Archery Attack Arena and went and ate pizza and donuts at the park. Then we did Ten Pin Bowling and had biscuits and hot dogs, and watched the movie Madagascar.
James E
My favourite part was where we attacked each other at archery. I loved eating the donut.
Charlie G
My favourite part was archery when we attacked. I was so happy we went to Ten Pin Bowling. I loved dinner and lunch.
Amelie C
My favourite part was when we went to Ten Pin Bowling because I liked getting the points. I liked the Madagascar movie.
Kyri Z
My favourite part was archery because there were two teams and I like being in a team.
Raphaela F
My favourite part was the archery because I got to attack everyone. I also loved the food.
Ollie F
My favourite part of the excursion was doing archery. Archery was my favourite part because we got to shoot each other.
Hugh R
My favourite part of our excursion was when we did archery because I really wanted to learn archery.
Evelin Ralph
I liked the bowling because I got 3 strikes!! I also liked the cinnamon donut.
Erica B
My favourite part of the excursion was the pizza and hotdogs and the movie.
Isabella B