Parents & Friends (P&F)

TERM 2 2022
Dear Families
Term 2
Milkshake Friday 20th May
The P&F will be making milkshakes that can be purchased during snack time.
Silent Disco/Cheese & Wine
Also, the children can look forward to a Silent Disco on 16th June with Party Higher whilst parents and caregivers enjoy a cheese and wine evening. There will be a dress down day the next day and PJs can be worn to school!
Parents and Caregivers Social Night
Dates TBC but we are planning a parent and caregiver social night in Term 2, so start thinking about who you are going to ask to mind the kids.
Have a wonderful Easter break with your families. See you in Term 2.
P. S. The next P&F meeting is Tuesday 26th April at 7 pm in the school hall. All welcome.
Friday 20th May | Milkshake Friday The P&F will be making milkshakes that can be purchased during snack time. |
Tuesday 24th May | P&F Meeting Join us for the P&F meeting |
Friday 10th June | Friday Night Sausage Sizzle A chance to catch up after school, enjoying a sausage sizzle whilst the kids play. |
Monday 13th June | Public Holiday |
Thursday 16th June (TBC) | Silent Disco/Parent’s Cheese & Wine The children will enjoy a silent disco (they will wear headphones and choose a music station to listen and dance to) whilst the parents gather to enjoy some wine and cheese |
Friday 17th June | PJ FridayAfter dancing the night away at the Silent Disco, you can wear your PJs to school for a gold coin donation. |
Monday 20th June | Pupil Free Day
Tuesday 21st June | P&F Meeting Join us for the P&F meeting. |
Friday 24th June | Last Day of Term 2 |
TBC | Parents and Caregivers Social Night Book a babysitter and join the St. Joseph’s parents and caregivers for an evening out. |
Class Reps for 2022
Prep - Bridgette Conway
Grade 1/2 - Bianca Hodgson
Grade 3 - Fleur Harber
Grade 4 - Michelle Sweeney
Grade 5/6 - Nel Els