Term 2 – Level 4  

Dear Parents and Guardians, 


Welcome back to another exciting term of learning at Glen Waverley Primary School. Term One has come and gone by rather quickly, however, the learning was deep and meaningful. We saw our students enjoy the swimming/water safety program, deepen their understanding and connection to their own culture during Cultural Diversity Week and further their knowledge of Habits and Influence through our Inquiry unit. A highlight of our learning came through exploring Australian culture and the connections that we have to our own personal cultures. 


We are all looking forward to an interesting, rigorous and productive term of learning. 


Important Dates 


May 23th-27th - Education Week 

  • May 24th – Open Morning, 9.00am - 11.00am 
  • June 13th – Queen's Birthday Public Holiday 
  • June 14th – Curriculum Day 
  • June 24th - Last day of Term 2. 2:30pm finish.  
  • July 11th – First day of Term 3 
  • July 20th – 22nd - Camp 


In Term Two, our Level 4 students will be focusing on analysing both fiction and non-fiction texts. We begin our exploration of poetry, where they will investigate different poetry types, analysing the themes, narratives and the messages within them and how the author has conveyed these. Students will have an opportunity to engage through a global lens as we unpack, analyse and compare poems from other cultures. Additionally, they will be focusing on identifying the main idea and supporting details during reading. Through this, they will be learning the skill of paraphrasing information transferring this into their writing of information reports. Students will also continue to develop their personal reading goals that align with our CAFÉ strategies. They will develop these skills through collaboration with their peers to promote Speaking and Listening, as well as through individual conferencing.



This term in Writing, students will be exploring poetry and the effect it has on the reader, with a focus on free verse poetry. will be investigating the elements and features of poetry in reading and transferring this into their own poems. They will be provided with opportunities to apply their understanding of emotive and descriptive vocabulary, while exploring the impact poetry can have on the reader. Level 4 students will then be developing their skills in creating Information Reports. Students will analyse a variety of information reports in reading and transfer their knowledge of structure, topic sentences and language features into their information reports. They will have an opportunity to work towards their personal VOICES writing goal through all writing sessions and during sustained writing weekly.  


Below are suggestions on how you can support your child at home: 

  • After your child has completed their reading ask them what the main idea and supporting details of the book are. 
  • Share poems from your childhood or from your culture and discuss the features and language within the poem E.g. Figurative language such as similes and metaphors. 
  • Encourage your child to read a variety of books (both fiction and non-fiction) from a range of different authors. 
  • Listen to your child read and ask them questions about the text.


In Spelling, students will continue identifying and inquiring into their personalised words, chosen from misconceptions in their writing. This will allow them to gain a deeper understanding of spelling patterns and strategies. There will be a focus each week and we are currently exploring digraphs and trigraphs and their different representations. At home, you can ask your child what they have learnt from their individual spelling inquiries, and how they are applying their personalised words and practicing them during Home Learning opportunities.




In Mathematics, we will be investigating Statistics and Probability. Students will be exploring how data can be collected, such as through surveys and observational data. They will analyse and interpret observational data sets and represent these through a variety of graphs.  


Level 4 students will be deepening their understanding of volume, capacity and mass within Measurement and Geometry. They will transfer prior learning of these concepts to estimate, measure, compare and convert units of measurement. Students will also be exploring fractions and decimals within Number and Algebra and explore their connection to percentages. 


To support your child at home with their Mathematics learning, you may find the following real-life tasks helpful: 

  • Ask your child to estimate the volume/capacity/mass of objects around home e.g. Containers in the fridge, during mealtimes, washing dishes, lego building, vases, boxes, etc.  
  • Calculate or measure the volume or capacity of a variety of the above objects around the home. 
  • Use scaled instruments during cooking or baking e.g. measuring cup or jugs or scales. 
  • Use real life data representations such as water or electricity bills - discuss the features of the graphs and what important information is telling you 
  • Estimate and calculate decimals and fractions when shopping, cooking, measuring, filling up the petrol tank, reading an analogue clock etc.  


During inquiry learning this Term, students will be investigating the question, “How do chemicals impact quality of life?” They will be exploring chemicals and the impact that chemicals can have on their environment. A key element of our inquiry will also involve transferring and thinking deeply about our Sustainable Goal 12 of ‘Responsible Consumption and Production’. We look forward to encouraging your children to develop deep questions to be investigated regarding the purpose of chemicals and their sustainable production. 


To support your child at home, you may find the following tasks helpful: 


  • Investigate everyday chemicals found within your home. 
  • Discuss what the purpose of chemicals and how they are used. 
  • Include children in cooking to look at how heat can impact different chemicals. 
  • Reflect on what chemicals are being used in your environment/local community.


In Term Two, Level Four students will be deepening their understanding of the School Values of Respect and Empathy through building new healthy connections within their classroom community and with their buddy classes’. They explored self-respect, respect in the classroom and respect in the wider community. Through exploring self-respect, students will be supported to articulate their productive struggle and steps to their success by connecting their thinking to the Learning Intentions and Success Criteria of lessons.