Year 5/6 News

Social Stencil Focus

This term, during our Social Stencil lessons, the Year 5/6 students have discussed and learnt about what character traits make a good friend and the things that we can do to make and keep good friends.


Each student was given a photo of another student in Year 5/6 and then they created a photo frame and listed all of the positive friendship qualities and character traits which that person displays. Our frames are displayed on our Year 5/6 board in the corridor. 


District Cross Country

When we got to the Knox Athletics Track, the races started to begin; everyone cheered everyone on. We were there for most of the school day. After everyone finished their races, the scores came out that Scoresby Primary School came 5th overall. Cross Country was a good experience and achievement for everyone who participated. People who got 20th (or just a little bit over) were able to qualify to go to Division Cross Country. The year 5/6 people who qualified for Division were Brody, Lily and Kate. Everyone was so proud of their achievements. Everyone did an amazing job and gave it their all. Everyone should be so proud of themselves.

By Ella and Jordan



Last Friday, the Year 6s and their Buddies decided to have fun outside in the sun and did some gardening. We picked out what we wanted to plant, selected a tool to work with and then dug a hole in the soil in different places - an example would be where the race track used to be and the garden bed surrounding the canteen. The plant was carefully tipped upside down so the buddies could remove the pot and separate the roots of the plant, and then was placed into the hole by the Foundation and Year 6 students. They patted the soil around the greenery so it would stay in the ground, and cleaned the area of tools thoroughly (so no one will trip). After that, the Year 6s and their and Buddies picked a watering can and hydrated the vegetation they planted and other plants to help them grow bigger. Some Buddies had extra time and got to plant two seedlings! The Buddies then made sure to wash their hands rigorously and went to pick up their delicious lunches from their classrooms. They all ate together in the Foundation room and when they finished eating, they went out to play and have fun.

By Mia A and Jonelle