Student Ministry

Retreats and appeals

Year 9 Retreat 

THE Year 9s students participated in a wonderful Retreat Day conducted by the Youth Mission Team. Our students really enjoyed their time away from the school and the opportunity to reflect on their relationships with themselves, each other and God. The retreat was held for the first time at the headquarters of the West Australian Eight Ball Federation, a hall which is just a short walk from the College. Thank you to the following staff who supported our students throughout the day – Mrs Matchado, Miss Gawley, Mr Rickard, Mrs De Luca, Mrs Rogers, Mr D’Souza and Mrs Baker.


Year 9s head to the retreat
Year 9s head to the retreat

Year 11  Encounter Retreat 

Our Year 11 retreat will be held on Tuesday, 14 June. This day will provide our students with an opportunity to listen to guest speakers from Catholic Missions, Shopfront, Vinnies and the Helping Hands across the Sands  Charity group. Students will also visit the Emmaus Community. They will then share their own personal experience of their Service learning. As part of the Retreat day students are asked to bring in a hygiene product (shampoo, conditioner, soap, deodorant or sanitary items) and donate this item to an agency in our closing liturgy.  Morning tea and lunch is provided for the students. 

Kimberley Immersion donations

The 2022 Kimberley immersion group will focus on supporting the Gawooleng Yawoodeng Aboriginal Corporation, a women's crisis centre in Kununurra which provides support and information, counselling and accommodation for homeless women and children who are victims of domestic violence.  


The centre requires the following donations that we are now seeking from the College community: 

  • Hygiene items such as soap, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, toothbrushes and toothpaste. – hotel samples are great! 
  • Size 16 plus used clothing for women
  •  Ladies and children’s underwear – various sizes.

Vinnies Winter Appeal

This year we are also asking our whole school community to assist with our winter appeal, with bedding such as sleeping bags, doonas and blankets, and clothing such as jackets, new socks, scarves and closed-in shoes. 


We are also asking for donations of non-perishable food items including: pasta, rice, canned food, tea and coffee and so on. Our aim is to collect more than 1500 donations of non-perishable food items. We are keeping a tally, so please look at the window in Student Ministry for updates over the next four weeks. 


All donations need to be dropped off at Student Ministry.


We want you to please remember when we reach out to help our brothers and sisters in need – the poor, the hungry, the homeless, the isolated and lonely, the abused and abandoned, and the sick – we demonstrate our love for God in a very real and tangible way. Archbishop Timothy Costelloe is asking us all this winter to, “follow the example of Jesus and extend our arms to embrace people in need here in Western Australia”. 


So, let’s show him the St Norbert College community really cares and reaches out to those in need.


Ms Margaret Kyd

(Coordinator of Campus Ministry)