From the Principal
Mr Simon Harvey
From the Principal
Mr Simon Harvey
“Ascending to Heaven, instead of remaining beside a few people with his body, Jesus becomes close to all with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit makes Jesus present in us, beyond the barriers of time and space, to make us his witnesses in the world” (Tweet from Pope Francis – the Ascension of the Lord to Heaven – 29 May 2022).
THIS week sees the excitement build towards our College celebrations of the Feast of St Norbert tomorrow. The actual Feast day for our College patron is 6 June and it is no irony for us that it occurs so close to the feast of the Ascension of our Lord. With Jesus as our model, we too have His spirit and that of St Norbert to help make us, “…witnesses in the world”.
On the occasion of the 888th anniversary of Norbert’s death, it’s a timely reminder of the power of the Holy Spirit that is within us.
That same spirit that wishes our senior students well with their examinations; that extends the hands of love and reconciliation to our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander brothers and sisters throughout National Reconciliation Week; that inspires our best efforts and; most relevant this week, that same spirit that motivates us to give thanks on the occasion of the Feast of St Norbert, for our College community. We look forward to sharing more from this special event in our next newsletter.
Last week we acknowledged the very significant anniversary of Sorry Day on Thursday 26 May as part of National Reconciliation Week;
National Reconciliation Week is “a time for all Australians to learn about shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how everyone can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia” (CEWA).
The 2022 theme, Be Brave. Make Change, is a “challenge to all Australians to be brave and tackle the unfinished business of reconciliation so we can make change for the benefit of all Australians” (
We encourage all within our community to ‘be brave and make a change’.
I had the joy early last week to welcome to our College community Mrs Michelle Hoffmann, who joins our English team, and Mrs Keiko Gray our Japanese Language teacher. We extend our thanks to them both for accepting the invitation to join our College community.
God bless.
Mr S Harvey