Cranbourne Campus News

Athletics Carnival

The sun shone gloriously on the 2022 Cranbourne Campus Athletics Carnival Monday a week ago. Attendance, energy and participation were all at record highs as staff and students seemed to love the chance to run, jump and throw for House Points toward the coveted McGuigan Shield. We hear much in the media about the desperate need for our young people to re-engage with sport, clubs and structured activities but by the number of St. Peter's College records set and the times of some of our winners, it is apparent that some of our athletes have not missed a beat in recent years.

In terms of the House' Cheering Shield, Mr De Goldi, Assisi House Captain's Scott and Audrey were supremely drilled and were beyond compare in their cheering coordination and energy.  ~ The gauntlet has been set for 2023 for our seven other Houses to try to topple Assisi House. However, in what was something of a boil over, for the first time in seven years Romero House, led by new House Leader Ms Sarah Hogan and Captains Arshdeep and Jay obliterated the opposition to take out maximum points and the Athletics Shield. This win catapulted Romero House up three places on the table to fourth place. 

It goes without saying that these community building activities are an essential opportunity for students and teachers to see each other in a different light and be able to grow connections that support learning when back at school. Those students who miss the day or fail to engage are not imparting anyone but themselves - and that is a real shame.

“I am just a little sick.”

If there is one thing that we have taken out of the recent pandemic it is that as winter approaches and the dreaded ‘lurgy’ starts to spread, it is vitally important that staff and students who are feeling unwell, use the time at home to recover fully before returning to the Campus. Please support the wider community by not sending sick or symptomatic students to school.


The Year 12 Tips and Tricks Night Tuesday 6:40 pm-8:00 pm will be held in the Donnelly Building. I encourage parents and carers of Year 12 students to free themselves up to be able to attend and learn more about what can be done to support your young person as they near the finish line. We owe it to this group of students to help prepare them in the best way possible. See you there!


This will sound repetitive but the consequence for a misunderstanding could be embarrassing to you at best and down right dangerous at worst.

The gates at Cranbourne - Frankston Rd (when operational, which will be shortly) are not open to parents before 10 am and after 2:30 pm and even then only when prearranged through front reception an hour in advance or in a medical emergency. 

Furthermore, I write to let you know that work will be occurring on the Navarre Drive gates on Wednesday, 24 May 2022 which will close all vehicle access between 9 am and 2:30 pm on this day. Should you need to drop your child off late or collect them early, I suggest that the drop-off, pick-up zone be the Amstel Carpark across the road from the College. Thank you for your understanding.


Jeremy Wright

Deputy Principal - Head of Cranbourne Campus