The Careers Hub

Project Gen Z Entrepreneurial Workshop

Becoming change makers - linking Careers and CAS

Day one at the Years 11 and 12 camp, Queen's College at The University of Melbourne, kicked off with an awesome entrepreneurial workshop, hosted by Project Gen Z, that had the students taking on the mini Apprentice Challenge. The students were given a brief, which was to help the client sell 10,000 branded pens to raise money for a charity in Cambodia. Working to a deadline, they had to form a marketing company and design a creative campaign for their client including a logo, tagline, sales strategy, social media post, a 30 second television commercial and a five minute pitch to a panel of judges. 


They all worked closely in randomly selected teams, each with specific roles. Congratulations to team Chance Foundation  for the overall outstanding campaign and to David Miller for overall outstanding team member. This workshop was the perfect opportunity for students to work collaboratively, understand employer expectations and is predominantly designed around developing soft skills such as communication, team work, problem solving and critical thinking. Great work and excellent ideas!

"It's not the destination, it's the journey that counts" - Liz Volk

Course seeker

Course Seeker  is an Australian Government initiative that has been funded by theDepartment of Education and Training. This interactive, searchable website displays course information, entry requirements, admission processes and student satisfaction and graduate survey results at the study area and institutional level.


The aim of this website is to help students make informed decisions about their future study by allowing them to access clear, meaningful and transparent information on ATARs/OPs, prerequisites and enrolment policies. There are currently over 70 institutions listed on this website, with many more to be added soon. Note that the ATARs currently reflected are for the 2018 offer period. Students and their families are encouraged to spend some time browsing.

Interested in Business? The Health Information Management sector is a growing industry

Health Information managers combine knowledge of healthcare processes, health records and administration, information management and human resource management to provide services that meet the medical, legal, ethical and administrative requirements of the health care system. Health Information managers work in the ‘business’ side of healthcare. They work in e-health at the forefront of Health Information Management technology. Victoria (and Australia) is facing a critical shortage of Health Information managers. Health Information Management is taught by a number of universities in Victoria including:

A diplomatic career - making a difference

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) offers university graduates the opportunity to implement their academic and personal skills to develop and implement policies that advance Australia's interests both here and overseas.

Students who are keen on pursuing Law, International Studies, Global Studies, Asian Studies, as well as the Sciences and Medicine and even Counter-Terrorism, might like to browse the following link to find out more about this program and the opportunities it offers once they have graduated with their Bachelor degree -Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) Graduate Program

Reminder for Year 12: important entry to Medicine from 2020

Students commencing Year 12 in 2019 and planning to apply for any of the university courses listed below are reminded that registrations for the UCAT (University Clinical Aptitude Test) open in March 2019. In the meantime, students who are preparing for entry into these courses are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the practice tests and preparation material provided at UCAT Preparation.

Reminders and alerts

Please remember to log in and read your  Compass Newsfeed as we regularly post updated  information about tertiary open days, information sessions, work experience and workshop opportunities, updated Careers and industry news and a host of other information. You can also set up notification alerts on your phone for Compass so you will be instantly notified and never miss anything.

Special thanks

Thanks to Jacky Burton from the Yarra Career Practitioners Group and Compass Career News who tirelessly each year puts together a lot of the one-sheet information guides that help us collate tertiary course information into the one place for students to easily access.

Making an appointment

You can find me in the new Careers Hub office downstairs in The Cottage. Please use this link on the Preshil Careers website to make an appointment because it syncs to my calendar to avoid clashes. If you have any questions or concerns please email me anytime at