Technology News

Technology News:
Dream Car Competition
This year talented students from Dromana College have submitted entries for Toyota’s National ‘Design a Dream Car’ Competition. Combining problem-solving skills and creativity with talents in art, engineering and technology students designed their dream vehicles. Taking inspiration from a breadth of areas such as environment & sustainability, superheroes, diversity and the animal world, our motivated students came up with some exciting and unusual entries. These go through to the national competition with a chance to win a $2500 prize.
Well done to everyone who contributed and good luck with the next stage.
Technology Domain: Research Projects – Year 10
This year saw the launch of the new Research Projects elective. This subject has been designed to provide students with the opportunity to follow their interests in research on a topic of their choosing. This course develops skills in project management and planning, researching and referencing in addition to building the skills to direct their own learning and critically evaluate their progress.
As part of the requirement to use a range of resources, students and their teacher, along with official bus driver Miss Lavery, headed to Monash University at Clayton to take advantage of their library facilities. Through our Access Monash program, students were given a presentation (in a modern teaching space) and took part in a scavenger race activity requiring them to locate ‘treasures’ over the 5 floors the library covers – the lift came in handy!
They were then given time to locate resources which would be of help to them in their individual projects. Students are researching a diverse range of topics from The Ashes, Astrology, Quantum Physics, App Design to the Space Race. There were lots of resources that students found useful. And the student feedback? ‘We wish we could have stayed longer’.