Maths News

Maths News
The Maths Monday Meet is a chance for students in Year 7 and 8 to participate in activities that involve hands on real life maths, that is exciting and joyful in nature. Pictured are students working together to make a Sierpinski Tetrahedron. This involved students individually creating smaller Tetrahedrons, before working together to join their creations to make the final masterpiece.
Numeracy Parent Information Evening
Developing numerate individuals is a key priority for Dromana College and involves the entire College community. On Thursday 12th of March, all parents were invited to attend a Numeracy Parent Information Evening. The aim of this evening was to develop positive mindsets around numeracy and to provide practical strategies that parents can use at home to support their children. The evening included activities which showcased the difference between mathematics and numeracy, encouraging a positive and growth mindset toward numeracy and also practical things that parents can do today, to support their children tomorrow. A key message was that high level mathematics skills are not needed to be able to help; promoting a growth mindset through open ended questions is the foundation.
Parents were also shown the DET Numeracy Guide, which has an abundance of resources that can be used at home.
We thank all parents who attended. If you would like to know more, please contact Siaan Le Fevre at the College.