Year 7 News

Year 7
Our Year 7 student cohort arrived full of excitement on their first day of school. All 367 of them sat in the Gallery and were greeted by Mr. Marr and the Year 7 Team. It was a fabulous start!
The students have been fantastic – listening and taking in all the information they have been given regarding their uniform, laptops and expectations in the classroom. Our students are really embracing the College values of Responsibility, Respect, Integrity and Personal Best.
We have already had our first full school assembly and the cohort looked amazing in their house colours at the swimming carnival.
The students are embracing all their new classes, meeting so many teachers (very different from Primary School) and getting to know each other in the yard. Many are already involved in the extra-curricular activities that are available throughout the school.
The excitement is building as we prepare for our camp to Phillip Island. The students will face many challenges and adventures, seeing and experience some amazing things.
Overall we have had a wonderful start to the year and the Year 7’s are enjoying their transition in to high school.
The Year 7 Team