Green Team News

Term 1 News
Green Team have hit the ground running this term, starting with getting the weeds sorted after a wet and sunny summer. We are thrilled to have lots of new members to the group and encourage all students in our school community to come along and get involved. We meet every Thursday after school at the Design Centre (3.15pm to 4.15pm) and Friday lunch time in the vegetable garden.
So far this term we have been having fun eating apple cucumbers from the garden and cooking up frittata muffins with our cherry tomatoes, herbs, garlic and squash. Students also had the opportunity to visit Torello Farm. Here is the feedback from some of our students…..
“When the soil is bad, put other veggies on it so they can break down into the soil. This makes it healthier.” Rosie MidLovets.
“We learnt that there are so many different types of sunflowers!” Bethany Hebblethwaite
The Green Team also ran the Schools Clean Up Australia Day on Friday the 6th of March. Thank you to all of the Year 7 and 8 form groups that participated. We filled a skip!