Principal's Report

First term was a great success, the tone around our school and the focus of our students on their learning is to be congratulated. Similarly, the commitment and willingness of our students to participate in the many co-curricular activities on offer, including: sailing, swimming, Arts week, Red Hill show, Technology and Dance Enhancement Programs to name a few, has been outstanding. I particularly want to draw your attention to the performing arts and sporting programs of the college. We have had significant growth in student participation in these programs again in recent months, and the efforts of the cross section of staff involved as well as the participation of our students, should be applauded.
Dromana College 2020 Captains
Congratulations to Lilia Midlovets, Hannah Bluff, Miah Argent and Tyler Leach on becoming our 2020 College Captains.
When students apply for this leadership role, it is a multi-faceted process which includes staff voting, student voting, interviews and written applications.
Our students are to be congratulated on their successful positions.
Important Parent Information
Accident Insurance Cover for Students
Some school activities and physical education, particularly contact sports, carry inherent risks of injury. Parents are advised that the Department of Education and Training does not have Student Accident Insurance cover for students. Therefore, if your child is injured at school as a result of an accident or incident, all costs associated with the injury, including medical costs is the responsibility of the child, parent or caregiver. Some incidental medical costs may be covered from Medicare. If parents have private health insurance, some costs may also be covered through your private health insurance. Any other costs would be borne by the parents. Student Accident Insurance is an insurance policy that pays certain benefits should your child have an accident. It is a personal decision for parents which type and level of private insurance they purchase. An approved insurance broker should be contacted if you have any questions about insurance cover.
Personal Goods
Personal property is often brought to school by students, staff and visitors. This can include mobile phones, calculators, toys, sporting equipment and cars parked on school premises. The DE&T does not hold insurance for personal property brought to schools and it has no capacity to pay for any loss or damage to such property.
Swimming Carnival
The annual whole school swimming carnival was held this term and I would like to congratulate Ms Emma Morrison on the organisation of this event. All students and staff in attendance commented positively about the day, such occasions are invaluable to the enhancement of school spirit and it was fantastic to see such a significant attendance and participation from all students, particularly our senior students.
Open Night
The Dromana College Open Night for prospective Grade 6 families will be held on Tuesday 28 April 2020 commencing at 6:00pm in the Basketball Stadium. The night is being organised by our Assistant Principal Mrs Brooke Mollenkopf, and all staff and some students will be involved. It is hoped that this evening will give parents an opportunity to seek answers regarding their child’s secondary education and the opportunities that we can provide. Personally I enjoy this evening and see it as an opportunity for the College to celebrate all the great things that the students, staff and families of the college achieve.
Mobile Phone Policy
The revised mobile phone policy was implemented on the first day of our Jumpstart program, the 25th November, 2019. The revised policy brings us into line with new Department of Education requirements. Essentially, students who choose to bring mobile phones to school will need to store them in lockers for the duration of the school day, including break times. The policy is available on our website (link below).
A summary of the policy implementation is outlined below.
Phones must be stored in lockers during the school day, including break times (8.55am -3.00pm)
If students are seen with a phone it will be confiscated as follows:
- First offence: phone is returned at the end of the day.
- Second offence: phone is returned at the end of the day but contact is made to a parent/guardian by Head of Year.
- Third and subsequent offences: student is suspended.
Students will be sent home/suspended if they do not hand their phone in when asked by a teacher.
If students have permission to have a phone in class this will be recorded on Compass. Phones will need to be out of sight and turned off when being taken to and from class. They will be confiscated if seen.
This is a statewide policy implemented by the Department Of Education.
Phones and other valuables are brought to school at their owner’s risk and the school bears no responsibility for loss or damage.