Valedictory Curtains

Curating the curtains

My name is Angelo von Möller and I have been at Preshil for 13 years since attending the 3s. I am currently in Year 9 but next year  2020 I will be in Year 10.


I am passionate about Art History, conservation and museum curation. As part of my IB MYP Personal Project I am researching the history, and making, of the Preshil 10s & 11s curtains. I also hope that on completion of this research project that I will be able to curate an exhibition for some of the curtains that remain in our archives along with any props, costumes and other memorabilia. 


If anyone would like to share their stories, or photos, with me about what they remember of making the curtains and the various plays that Preshil has put on over the years, I would be very grateful.

If you would like to arrange an interview, send me stories and photos, or you would like more information please contact me by email or you can call the school on 9817 6135. I look forward to hearing from you.