2021 Prep Enrolment and Transition

If your child is currently in four year old kindergarten now is the time to be finalising their Prep enrolment for 2021. If your child will be attending Prep at Oakleigh Primary School in 2021 you need to complete a Student Enrolment form. Forms can be downloaded from the website https://www.oakleighps.vic.edu.au/enrolments-1 or collected from the School Office (please phone prior to arrange collection).


Due to Covid-19 restrictions, enrolment forms can be submitted via email at oakleigh.ps@education.vic.gov.au or by post to our mailing address at: 20 Warrigal Road, Oakleigh Vic 3166 or by calling the School Office to arrange for  drop off.


Enrolment forms must be returned with a copy of your child’s Birth Certificate, Medicare Immunisation Statement, any relevant Visa documentation (if applicable) and Passport if born overseas. Please contact the school if you are uncertain if your Visa status allows you to enrol directly through us.


You may also be thinking ahead to Prep transition for your child and wondering what the impact of Covid and the ongoing restrictions may have going into Term four. 


This week our teaching team began working with the Prep team here at Oakleigh Primary School and Kindergarten to plan for all possible scenarios leading into Prep transition. 

After our first discussion this week I am pleased to say that there are plans coming into place that will ensure that no matter what Covid throws at us we will still have a fantastic Prep transition program.


The Victorian State government has also just announced that they will be providing support to early childhood services to meet the challenge that 2020 has presented in supporting children's transition to school...

"The Victorian Government has pledged further support for educators and teachers in order to ensure children are better prepared for the move from kindergarten to school in 2021 as they navigate the effects of the pandemic and its disruption to their learning."


Over the coming months teachers will be working with you to complete what is known as a 'Transition Learning and Development Statement'. This important document will include the child's voice and both the family and teacher's perspectives on what strategies will best support a smooth transition to school for each child.


More information will be provided very soon about our prep transition program and at the beginning of term four we will begin to work with you on the transition statements.