Kinder Program- At home and on-site

Over the past two weeks the children at home and those attending kinder on site have been enjoying a range of activities such as box construction, going on scavenger hunts, creating with salt dough and clay, painting cherry blossoms, making magic hats and conducting science experiments to create lava lamps. We have also been lucky enough to be able to participate in a digital incursion by Reptile Encounters where we learnt all about some different Australian animals. This was a great incursion as not only did we learn about the different animals but we were able to ask questions and it was great to see everyone's names popping up in the chat box. 


This week we also started doing our online group times through Webex. It has been so lovely to see all of our kinder friends again and we have been able to read stories, sing songs and do show and tell together. Each group will continue to do our Webex group times once a week for the remainder of the lock down. It makes us as educators miss our classes even more and we can't wait until we can all be back together again!