VAPS New Website

VAPS is very excited to announce our brand new website!
You will still find us at the same address:
The website design is completely new. You will find a much cleaner and more intuitive website design, along with updated resources and easy of use. We also have some updated information about VAPS in the About Us section, as well as updated information of Philosophy in Schools in Australia and Worldwide more generally.
Our membership system is brand new and much easier to access and self-manage. Current memberships have been transferred over to the new system. If you had a current membership on the previous website that had not expired you will still have the same expiry date on the new system. Regardless of whether you membership is current of has expired, you will need to reset your password to access your account. You can do so via this link.
If you have a current membership, you will have already received an email asking you to reset your password.
If you manage an institutional membership (e.g. for your school), all previously linked accounts will be transferred to your institutional membership.
If you have not got a VAPS membership, or your membership has expired, now would be a great time to sign up and access everything that VAPS has to offer. Many of our resources are only available with a VAPS membership, and a membership also gives your discounted access to our Conference, including the upcoming 2021 Conference in March. It also provides discounts on the three levels of our professional learning: Introduction to Community of Inquiry, Advanced Practice, and Teacher Trainer workshops.
Our previous membership management platform was failing to deliver renewal notices to members. So you may not have been aware when your membership expired. If you require clarity around your previous membership or you want to check if your membership is current and/or when it expired, you can contact our Treasurer and Memberships Officer, Dan.
We have designed this website with local designers Pixeld, who have done a fantastic job.