Principals Message

Dear Parents and Carers

All families have been sent a letter from Chris Smyth, our Director. Please check your email for the latest changes to restrictions for schools in the Armidale Diocese. 


On Wednesday night we held the last P&F meeting until further notice. I really feel for this wonderful group of parents who are pumped to do some fundraising for the schools. Sadly not much can go ahead this year. The decision to cancel the Deb Ball will of course upset the St Mary’s students who are involved. Plans will be made as soon as possible for 2021. The P&F Facebook page will continue to be updated with news so keep an eye out for the posts. 


The pandemic restrictions have impacted in varying degrees on people. I feel particularly sorry for all Year 12 students who at this stage will not have a formal, a farewell mass and perhaps only a short assembly, without parents. 

At St Xavier’s we have had to adapt to life without certain events. The children who love to compete whether it be athletics, drama and speech, choir, chess, Brain Olympia or any of the variety of sports we are usually involved in may think they are missing opportunities to perform. This year the rewards will look different but the teaching of skills and the provision of opportunities to practise them will go ahead as normal. In a positive way students are all on a level playing field so to speak. 


The fact that we can continue to address all learning outcomes is wonderful. All our students are receiving quality learning experiences every day. This period of uncertainty is giving us more time to really focus on how we are feeling and how our friends are feeling. Being kind, fair, forgiving and showing gratitude has never been more important. 


The recognition by some parents of the complexities of  teaching children has been a positive for us as well. I see the staff every day passionately working with children and each other to bring the best possible opportunities and experiences to their classes. 


In a world where some families cannot see each other, weddings are being cancelled, loved ones are sick or have passed away, jobs are lost, money is tight, the future is uncertain, we need to be so grateful that our children, our staff and our families are safe and cared for. There is still laughter in the playground and the staffroom and hopefully one day this period will be a distant memory and we will all end up more resilient and loving of one another. 

Kind regards,


Kind regards

Jen Honner