Engagement and Wellbeing 

Supporting Social, Emotional and Wellbeing Needs

At last week’s school improvement team meeting, we took the time to review the current measures that are in place to support students to connect with their friends and to also develop their wellbeing skills. 


It was clear that many teams across the school are implementing a range of strategies to provide students with an explicit social opportunity (e.g. Show and tell with friends, organised catch ups and group activities for fun). It was also apparent that many teams were also providing students with focussed wellbeing learning activities to build their wellbeing during this time (e.g. Mindfulness, exercise, gratitude tasks and regulation activities). Feedback already received from our parent and student surveys, suggest this change has been welcomed.


For those year levels which have not seen explicit sections in lesson plans on social connections / wellbeing activities, don’t worry. These teams are planning for structured days in weeks 8 and 10 whereby the students take part in a range of wellbeing activities and connect with their friends throughout the day.


We’d like to thank our staff formally for the work that they have done in this area. Not only have they taken aboard the feedback from Remote Learning 1.0, but they are constantly working to balance the social and emotional needs with the academic needs in a time whereby video-conferencing makes that harder to assess. Thank you all!


Finally, if your child is struggling with the whole Remote Learning 2.0, please reach out to us so that we can hopefully offer support.

Broadcast Link for Last Week:

For those people who may have missed last week’s broadcast (or would like to jump on and see it again), please click on the following link:


Broadcast Submissions For This  Week: Photos of Acts of Kindness

This week we will be trialling a new method for submitting photos to take part in the broadcast on Friday.


This week’s focus is on sharing a bit of kindness from within our community and we would like everyone who wants to take part to take a picture of an ‘Act of Kindness’ and send it in. We hope that this will provide you child with a sense of purpose and fulfillment in helping others and might just be a little bit more of a boost to get them over the isolation line.


To send in your photo, please:

  1. Go to Compass and click on your Learning Task tab:

2. Find this week’s BROADCAST SUBMISSION:

3. Press SUBMIT FILE to choose your picture

4. Select BROWSE to find the picture you want to share:

5. Find the file and press open.

6. The file will be uploaded for us to share.

7. Well done! Give yourself a pat on the back!