Principal's Report


It can be difficult keeping track of time in this covid effected year, but it’s good to see the situation in Ballarat and across the state improving, meaning we should get back to some sort of normal sooner rather than later.  By now most of you would be aware that this remote learning period has been extended to the end of term 3.  Whilst remote learning is not our preferred option, we did suspect this decision would be taken and are glad the call has been made early so we can plan accordingly.  It’s likely we will be back at school from the start of next term, meaning we’re close to half way through this remote learning period.


Remote Learning Surveys - A big thank you to the many parents that have completed the remote learning surveys made available last week.  Whilst we sensed this remote learning period was tracking pretty well, it was good to ask a few questions and make sure that our sense of the situation was accurate.  To date we have had over 240 responses, which is enough to build an awareness of some key aspects of remote learning that are working and perhaps where some adjustments can be made for the final weeks of this period.  Next week our School Improvement Team will take a close look at the results and make recommendations for any subtle changes.  The survey results can be broken down so that each year level team and the Scotsburn Team can see their own results.  This will make it possible to see where adjustments might be made in particular areas of the school.  


Whilst the surveys don’t close until later today, overall the parent survey results look positive and suggest the changes implemented for round 2 of remote learning have been well received.   We have also surveyed students and staff at this time and thank parents with children in grades prep and 1 for helping them complete the survey.


Parent / Teacher End of Term Check Ins - Parent survey results indicated approximately 60% of parents would like a parent / teacher catch up towards the end of term.  This is not surprising given the current circumstances, so we will get something organised for the last week of term.  Details will be made available in a newsletter soon.  


Please don’t expect to be provided with an academic update at this check in, as that is not possible whilst working remotely.  However the check in will be a great opportunity to make sure you and your child’s teacher are on the same wavelength as we head into term 4.  If you are concerned about anything regarding your child’s schooling, this check in will be a great opportunity to flag these and begin the process of planning to address any needs in term 4.


Last night we had our August meeting and the discussion included:


Remote Learning Surveys - We took a look at the parent and student results to date and shared our own experiences as parents and teachers.  


Scotsburn Campus Head Role - The Scotsburn Campus Head role is tenured for 6 years (3 years with the option of a further 3) at the level of Leading Teacher. Mr O’Loughlin’s tenure in that role comes to an end on December 30, so it is time to advertise (statewide) and appoint someone for the next 3 years.  We discussed the importance of having a parent rep from school council on the panel to provide community representation and nominated Nyree Wilson to fill that role.


If you have a prep to enrol for 2021, please get that in to us as soon as you can.  Copies of the enrolment form can be found on the school website.


As mentioned previously, we remain keen to provide the best possible transition for children into primary school and are figuring out what the term 4 transition program might look like.  We are still hoping to run a pre-schooler program of some sort and an orientation day, but each will be shaped by government covid guidelines as we navigate term 4.  


Our virtual tours (one for each campus) are now up on the school website, which will be helpful for families who have been unable to take a tour of the school.  A big thank you to Mr Coulter and his grade 6 ICT Team for their work in putting those together.


As mentioned previously, we have been gifted logs as part of the road widening project between Scotsburn and Elaine.  The first of those logs are now in position at Scotsburn and are certain to become popular pieces of play equipment.

On Monday we will see a number of large logs and rocks moved into place at the Buninyong campus and are excited to see how this all comes up.


Did you realise that if we were in a normal school year, right now we would be madly putting the final touches on our concert items and performing at Founders Hall on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Obviously the concert isn’t  going ahead as planned, but fingers crossed we’ll be right to go in 2021.  


Attached are some photos from the 2018 concert and video clips from the 2016 & 2018 concerts (finale song for each). These will spark some nice memories for all that were involved.  For those with your eldest in prep, the photos and clips will give you a sense of the concert, which has become an important part of our event schedule.