oshc & sprout 


Wominjeka Everyone, 


Today is the last day of term 3!

OSHC team would like to wish you all a safe school holiday!

We all know that this school holiday is going to be very different and difficult since we will still be in lockdown! But, we are getting very close to the end of this tough times and soon we all can go back to our “new” normal! Hang in there people!



COVID-19 Practices at OSHC:


To minimise the risk of COVID-19 spread, here at OSHC, we have been very diligent to follow our COVID-19 Control Spread Checklist. We’ve even created some tutorial videos for our casual staff (that we how to join us soon) on how to effectively carry out the daily cleaning and disinfecting practices:




LEGO COMPETITION – Votes have been tallied!


Thank you for you all your entry submissions and the OSHC team have tallied the results for first place for each category! Great news - given the amount of entries we’ve received we’ve decided to also award 2nd & 3rd place entries J


Click the link below to see all the entries and winners:



And the winners are…



  1. Parker
  2. Oscar
  3. Arlo



  1. Tobias (Toby)
  2. Freddie
  3. Chayse/Oli



  1. Elsa
  2. Thomas
  3. Dylan



  1. Luca
  2. Marcus
  3. Indira & Javier


We’ll be in touch with all the winners and their families in term 4 about the awards. Thank you again for all your entries and taking part and hope to see you participate in the next one!


OSHC Cook Book project


We’re still looking for recipe contributions from families as part of Naarah’s OSHC Cook Book project. It could be a family favourite recipe or something that’s been created from scratch.

Please send us your favourite recipe to




Cooking Club: Making Damper with Banana leaves

With damper making being a hit, this time around it was the junior’s turn to have a go at making damper and rolling them into a banana leaf. Most had not seen a banana leaf before so it was also a learning experience for them to find out where bananas come from and how banana leaves are also used for cooking.


Arts & craft activity at OSHC:With before school care session being quieter than normal, children that attend have more freedom to take part in ‘passion projects’ of their choosing. In this example here, our juniors collaborated in constructing and decorating a miniature park with it very own swing!


OSHC YouTube Channel: 


Looking for some activities and ideas to try at home during the school holidays – check out the series of videos via our channel for inspiration:




Stay Safe and have a great term break!