Year 1 News 

Resilience Project 


Throughout our Remote Learning journey, we have been completing our weekly ‘The Resilience Project’ workbook activities. However, we have also been lucky enough to try some ‘At Home’ activities too. Within our ‘At Home’ activities, we have been exploring Mindfulness, Emotions, Calm down strategies and Strengths through Emotional Literacy.  


Last week, the Year Ones looked at “My Strengths”. Our Task was to think of our friends and write or draw one thing they say we do well (something we are good at). We were extremely proud of the beautiful work our students produced. It was lovely to see that we have such special and unique students in our Year Level. 


We have all been thoroughly enjoying our current Unit of Inquiry ‘Food goes through many stages of production before reaching us’. Recently we have been exploring the stages food products go through from origin to consumption and resources and their management. 


We enjoyed finding out about how Cheese is made and brainstormed all about Dairy. We found out about how we get our honey, through making a ‘How Bees Make Honey’ Mini Book and reading a fascinating book called ‘From Flower to Honey’ which explored how honey is made from a flower, following each step in nature's cycle from beautiful bloom to yummy treat. 


Following reading, the Year Ones completed an activity which sequenced the steps of how honey is produced, starting from the farm, to the factory and then to the shops.

PYP Inquiry in Action

Action in the PYP is initiated independently by the student as a result of the learning process. We celebrate ACTION every week in our classes. Congratulations to these wonderful Year One students who have shown initiative and have taken action.


*Raph sharing with 1B his 'Honeycomb Bees Wax' Hone. Good job Raphy!

*Alanna sharing with 1B her Apple seeds growth, after learning how to grow an Apple Tree   in our Inquiry Lessons. What a Risk Taker!

*Max very proudly sharing his Apple seeds growth. Well done Max!


PYP Learner Profile Certificates for September - Thinkers

Each week we are presenting students with Learner Profile Certificates reflecting each months focus.


Our whole learning community plays an important part in developing, valuing, appreciating, and demonstrating the Learner Profile in action. At BNPS, we demonstrate and celebrate the Learner Profile attributes across the school. The IB Learner Profile represents attributes valued by IB World Schools. These attributes can help individuals become responsible members of the local and global communities.


This month’s focus is “Thinkers” - We use critical and creative thinking skills to analyse and take responsible action on complex problems. We exercise initiative in making reasoned, ethical decisions.


Well done to all of our wonderful “Thinkers” who have been thinking creatively and critically, contributed to class discussions and asking a lot of questions amongst other things!