Volunteer Interview

Introducing our Be You Wellbeing Team ‘Parent Representative’ – Tully Reynolds

Why did you volunteer to be the Parent Representative on the Be You Team?

What does wellbeing mean to you?

Wellbeing to me means looking after ourselves and looking out for each other. It means trying to stay healthy, being connected to friends and getting enough sleep! I am excited to be part of the Be You team to give a parent perspective and help if I can, to improve wellbeing and resilience in our kids even in a small way.


What year level are your children in?

Henry is in Year 4. 


What is your background/current role (outside of BNPS!)?

I have a teaching background and also worked in travel for a long time. I now combine the two working for a travel training company.


What do you do during your spare time?

I love reading and going to the movies, catching up with friends and getting into nature whether that be walks or weekends away.


What’s the best thing about BNPS?

The parent community, I have made some wonderful friends here, and our teachers.