Staff Interview

Moira Simpson 

Assistant Principal

by Eddie A 4C

Where is your favorite place in the World?

I love Australia, though when I went on a holiday to Lake Como, I thought it was the most beautiful place I had ever seen.

How old are you?

I am either 29 or 39 , which do you think?

Eddie - 29

Who would you like to swap places with for the day?

I would like to be an Astronaut for a day. It would be incredible to view the World from different perspective.


 Who Inspires you?

My grandchildren inspire me, they keep me young and engaged. I am very inspired by Barack Obama, I think he is very inspirational.


Are you missing the children at school?

I am missing the students very much! School is about relationships and interactions. I also miss all of the wonderful teachers who work at BNPS.

 What is your favorite thing to do on a weekend?

I usually try to spend my weekends with my family, I have six adorable grandchildren whom I love spending as much time with as I can. At the moment this is very hard and I am missing them very much. I also enjoy reading.

 What have you learnt about yourself during this pandemic?

My  technology skills, have definitely improved, having to use tools such as Zoom and Webex daily.  This pandemic has also reminded me of how important relationships are.