From the Headmaster

Dear Members of the Marist College Ashgrove Family,


We are on the cusp of Champagnat Day, our most special feast day on June 6.  This year the day falls on a Saturday, so our celebrations will take place here at the College on Friday, June 5.  Again, due to the influence of COVID19, our celebrations will be a little bit different – but no less passionate.


Brother Sean Sammon, FMS, a former Superior-General of the Marist Brothers, wrote a very poignant account of the life of St Marcellin – the title ‘A Heart That Knows No Bounds’ really says it all.  Br Sean described St Marcellin as a man of passion and practicality and not without his faults.  He also suggests that the founder possessed a love of life, compassion, understanding and that he was a man of heart and affection.  The concluding paragraph of Br Sean’s book says a lot.  It’s worthy of our consideration:


Marcellin Champagnat took seriously the Good News of Jesus Christ.  He was a holy man because he lived his ordinary life exceptionally well and did ordinary things with extraordinary love.  Having discovered the joy of the Gospel and letting it transform him, the founder wanted to share with others, particularly the young, all that he had seen and heard.  “To love God”, Marcellin often said, “to love God and to labour to make God known and loved, this is what a brother’s life should be”.  With these few words the future Saint painted his own portrait and recounted his own story.  His was a heart that knew no bounds.


Simply, as we celebrate 80 years of this great College, and the legacy of those who have gone before us, we pause on Champagnat Day to give thanks for the great man of God who created our raison d’etre (the most important reason for the existence of Marist education) – Making Jesus Christ known and loved. That was Champagnat’s inspiration and it needs to remain at the forefront of our work here at Ashgrove.



To all here at Ashgrove, members of the Marist family, we sing proudly the words of Br. Tony Butler FMS; Praise be to Jesus and to his Mother.


Wishing you every grace and blessing for Champagnat Day 2020.


Yours in Jesus, Mary and St Marcellin.

Peter McLoughlin
