This Week in the Library

Welcome to Week 5 and halfway through term two (if you can believe it!). This week we remember Sorry Day and also participate in the National Simultaneous Storytime Day on Wednesday. Hannah B recommended the “best book she’s read” and she’s read A LOT so this one could be worth a look and I’ve also included some illustrations KD completed last week after reading ‘Mopoke’ by Philip Bunting, they did a great job.

Sorry Day and Reconciliation Week

Sorry Day and Reconciliation Week are always special times at our school and in the library. This year we are reading a number of Aboriginal themed stories with the highlight being ‘Sorry Day’ by Coral Vass which won the non-fiction Children’s Book Council of Australia Book of the Year award in 2019. 


It’s a sensitively told story with two parallel storylines about a child lost at the Canberra Sorry Day rally in 2008 and a group of Aboriginal children who are being stolen from their families. It enables classes to empathise with families who were so affected by these decisions and begin to understand how sorry we are that this happened in Australia’s past. While I’ve been reading the story, you could hear a pin drop as our students really do become engaged in the feeling of what is happening. I’ve included a link to a Behind the News article that our Stage 3 students are watching that adds to the explanation of this day.

National Simultaneous Storytime Day

The wait is finally over - this Wednesday at 11 am, our school will be joining classes and libraries across Australia and simultaneously listen to the story ‘Whitney & Britney Chicken Divas’ by Lucinda Gifford. It’s a fun and fabulous story about two very normal chickens by day who turn into singing and dancing divas by night. To celebrate the day, all primary students (and some teachers too!) will be allowed to wear ONE piece of ‘bling’ to school. There is no need to buy anything as we would prefer if you could find something that you already own to use. Think tiaras, sparkly necklaces, bowties, fancy hats, tutus, feather boas, big glasses or even some flash shoes (just one thing though!). We’re hoping to have a little bit of fun while we get to enjoy a great Australian story. I’ve been working hard (some may call it nagging) for Mr Baz to break out some sparkles for the day too, I wonder what he may wear…


I have included the Storybox Library link (username - htsinverell, password - Inverell2360) to this story and also a PDF version of the book if you’re at home. Enjoy!


Class Library Days

With the return to ‘normal’ library classes in the last couple of weeks, a number of students have forgotten to bring their library books so I thought it may be a good time to remind families when their child’s lesson is on. If they do forget, students can borrow every morning or afternoon and at times throughout the day (just send them with their library bag the next day).

Monday - 3/4W, 3/4D, 1/2W, 5/6PW, 3/4M

Tuesday - KG, 1/2M, 5/6S, 3/4A

Wednesday - KD, 1/2S, 5/6B

Thursday - KS, 5/6G, 3/4G

Friday - 1/2DW


To enable more social distancing at snack times in the library, Stage 2 will now come on Monday & Wednesday while Stage 3 will be on Thursday and Friday.


Overdue Books

I also need to send a reminder home about returning any overdue library books your child may have at home, please. As it’s been quite a few weeks since some may have borrowed, lots of students have forgotten to bring them back. I will be sending overdue notices home on Friday but if you are unable to find them, please don’t panic, just let me know and I can remove them from your child’s record. 

Quick Bits

  • If anyone has any spare plastic shopping bags that they aren’t using if you could please send them in to the library that would be really appreciated. We use them if a child forgets to bring their library bag.
  • Premier’s Reading Challenge - keep reading! The challenge doesn’t end until the end of August so there is plenty of time. Don’t forget that you can also have 10 free choice books this year.
  • Don’t miss the latest instalment in the Hunger Games series, the prequel ‘The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes’ by Suzanne Collins - this will be huge!
  • Don’t miss this week’s CBCA NSW lunchtime storytimes at 12 pm, head to their Facebook page for the link

Happy reading, I hope you love the NSS story!

Mrs Toni Fraser