Going Forward from Week 6

Next week we welcome all our students back for five days. Students will be in their regular classroom with their regular teachers. Secondary will return to their normal timetable. The online learning platform will cease to be the main way of delivering content. We will continue to use Google Classroom as a teaching tool but it will supplement good classroom practice.  Some things will be like before but some things will continue to be different. Students are able to engage in non-contact sporting activities so PE and Sport will resume in Week 6. Practical subjects will also resume. However, these activities will not recommencing until further notice.

  • School assemblies
  • Masses
  • School incursions and excursions
  • Inter school activities
  • Work experience
  • In school activities requiring family or other volunteers
  • Drinking from bubblers

Students are reminded to:

  • Wash their hands regularly
  • Use hand sanitiser when entering classrooms
  • Social distancing where possible
  • Sneeze or cough into a tissue or their elbow

Attendance from Week 6

From 1 June, the expectation is that students are either:

o   at school;

o   at home because they are currently unwell;

o   at home because they have a medical certificate which states that they are unable to return to school due to an ongoing medical condition.


If students are away from school on a short-term basis because they are unwell, there is no expectation that they complete schoolwork.

In cases of long-term illness, where the student is prevented from returning to school, parents or carers should provide a medical certificate. Schools also remain responsible for providing work for these students as per current practice.

The same approach should be followed for students who have a condition which means it is not safe for them to return to school, for example they have a suppressed immune system or they are undergoing treatment like chemotherapy.  


If a student falls ill while at school, the school’s current first aid procedures apply including contacting the student’s parent or carer or emergency contact to collect the student. 


Students who are residing with a family member in one of the categories identified as being at increased risk should attend school unless a medical practitioner advises otherwise. The parent or carer should provide written confirmation from the treating health professional that the student is unable to attend school.

Please contact me if you need to discuss your child's attendance from June 1.

Uniform from Week 6

Students need to be in full winter uniform from next week. This includes correct ties and shoes. Please send a note to school if your child is out of uniform for any reason.  I have attached our Uniform Code for your reference. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need help in obtaining the correct uniform.

Reporting Student Progress Semester 1

This semester we will be providing families with a modified student progress report. We hope to have them ready by Week 10 this term. The report will give information on the progress in set areas this semester and goals for future learning. We will not be giving A-E grades this semester.

Enrolling for 2021

We are now taking Kindergarten enrolments for 2021. We are unable to hold our annual open day but have made a "virtual open day" video. Our youngest students and our Year 10's have done a great job at promoting our school. Please share the clip via our Facebook page to spread the word. Applications are due to the Front Office by Friday 3 July.

Wear some bling!

Looking forward to seeing some bling at school on Wednesday for National Simultaneous Storytime. See Library News for more details.