Prayer of Hope

Prayer of Hope

Last week we celebrated our annual Week of Prayer at school. Students were invited to embrace the positive attitude of Madeleine Sophie Barat by writing a hope-filled prayer.

One contribution was a collective effort from our 2020 Blue Ribbon school leaders

2020 Blue Ribbon Leaders
2020 Blue Ribbon Leaders



Let us remember that through the increasing sense of disconnection,
it is the presence of hope that strengthens
our connection with God, who looks after each of us.
Let us remember that throughout these uncertain times,
some may feel a growing sense of insecurity.
However, it is the presence of hope
- a hope that is borne out of God’s guidance and support - that can nurture each of us.
Let us remember that through these ever-changing times,
it is the presence of hope that motivates each Sacré Coeur student
to achieve our goals each day.
Let us remember that through these unprecedented times,
it is the presence of hope that helps us move forward with purpose and strength.
Let us remember that through these times of isolation,
it is the presence of hope that ensures that when we are reunited at School,
our community will thrive and continue to be as strong as ever before.
And, as we persevere through continued restrictions,
let us be reminded of the promise of a hope-filled future even in the midst of this pandemic.