From the Foundation

Sacré Cœur Foundation COVID-19 Bursary Fund Appeal
We have had a wonderful response to the COVID-19 Bursary Fund Appeal so far. Thank you so much to all our alumnae who have contributed from around the world, to assist our families in need.
Many have had their lives disrupted by this pandemic; however, the kindness and compassion of our community remains strong.
If you are in a position to contribute to the Sacré Cœur Foundation Covid-19 Fund Appeal, this is a friendly reminder for the 2019 / 2020 financial year. Donations of $2 and over to this appeal are tax deductible in Australia.
We understand this is a difficult period for everyone, and many in our community will not be able to offer support this year. But if you can help, any donation will assist our families experiencing extraordinary hardship at this time.
Penny Richards Fowler
Advancement Manager