Junior School News

Year 6 Blue dioramas made for Palm Sunday during online learning

  • From the Head of the Junior School
  • Year 6 Maths Activity
  • Junior School Sport
  • Junior Resource Centre News

From the Head of the Junior School


In light of what is happening in America and the fact that May is the month of Mary. One of the patron saints of Australia is Mary Help of Christians and the other is Mary of the Cross (MacKillop). Mary Help of Christians' Feast Day was 24 May and so we pray:


Almighty God, deepen in our hearts

our love of Mary Help of Christians.

Through her prayers and under her protection,

may the light of Christ shine over our land.

May Australia be granted harmony, justice and peace.

Grant wisdom to our leaders and integrity to our citizens.

We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Mary Help of Christians, pray for us.





We are continuing with our altered recess and lunch times.  Please remember that the boys require an extra snack for the ‘crunch and sip’ sessions in the longer morning block.  Boys must bring a water bottle to school.  We have an extra long weekend coming up.  Please remember to organise how Friday will work with your son as it is a pupil-free day.



After looking at the scenes in the USA, I would hate to see that happen in Australia and I do hope and pray that the violence stops soon.  It then made me reflect on the fact that this is the conclusion of Reconciliation Week, but it shouldn’t be the end of our collective consciousness around the need for everybody to be treated equally and to remember that we are all in this together.



Please note there will be a change to the pick up time for this Thursday to be between 2.05 pm - 2.20 pm.  If your son isn't picked up by 2.20 pm he will return to school on a bus.


This week we will begin our dance program which is part of our Physical Education program and a lot of fun.  The boys really enjoy it, even the ones who start with a negative attitude.  For this week there won't be a need for the boys to bring their winter training gear.  They will need to bring their water bottles.  We do have 2 taps where the boys can refill their bottles.


The morning is the same as last week.  There will be a teacher on duty from 8.30 am for the Year 6 children to be dropped off at Oxford Falls if you wish.  Year 6 will be bussed down to Oxford Falls at 9.00 am to do 2 lessons.  Year 5 will be bussed down at 10.45 am and have recess at Oxford Falls.  Both grades need to bring their morning tea and lunch.


Due to the dance program being in 2 sessions on Thursday, it won't conclude until 2.00 pm.  We will then have the boys who are being picked up outside the Christian Brothers gym (new, blue gym) at 2.05 pm.  As mentioned above, please note the changed collection time for those boys being picked up at Oxford Falls.  


In case you are wondering, I won't be teaching dance. (I hear a collective sigh of relief!) We are very fortunate to have 4 x RED Ed Dance Instructors to teach the boys.  It is done in Colour House groups and there is a competition at the end.  Boys love a competition especially when the points go towards the House Cup.



IPSHA is expected to release a statement regarding the return of our Saturday sporting competition later this week.  The state government announced, on Tuesday, that community sport will recommence on the 1 July so I expect our Saturday sporting program will recommence on the first Saturday of Term 3.  Watch this space! 

There will be a lot of details that need to be worked out between now and then and it will always be contingent on government regulations as well as the various sports' governing body regulations. 




Congratulations to the following boys who celebrate or celebrated their birthdays in June:


Jonathon Armatas, Luke Austin, Alexander Baldock, James Bone, Kobe Chand, Xavier Davidson, Luca Della-Franca, Jake Dyson, Lachlan Giles, James Kevric, Patrick Kisso, Charles Li, Adian Lilley, Noah Marshall, Lachlan Monico, Sean O'Donnell, Justin Robson, Lucas Robson, Luke Telfer, Julian Wallace and Eddie Yangoyan.





Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” ~ Albert Einstein


Enjoy the long weekend.  The boys are very lucky to have an extra long weekend.


Stay Safe.

Thanking you for your support,

Mr Tim Long - Head of Junior School

Year 6 Maths Activity

Year 6 recently completed a unit of work on drawing 3D shapes.  As part of this they did an activity where they copied a diagram illustrating how to make the pieces of a famous mathematical puzzle called the Soma Cube puzzle.  The pieces can be assembled into a 3 x 3 x 3 cm cube.  

Nicolas Roperti practised the skill he learnt during online learning.  He took a photo of the diagram he made (shown below), together with the pieces the diagram illustrated and emailed it to his teacher.   Great work Nic!

Two students actually completed this puzzle during the lesson.   Well done boys.

Mr Tom Garvey - Mathematics Teacher


Junior School Sport

Junior School Sport


Thursday Sport: This week our Dance Program begins. No winter training this week.


For Thursday Sport to run smoothly the can all boys please:

  • Travel to Oxford Falls in Pius PE Uniform


Mr Benn McBrearty - Junior School Sports Master



Junior Resource Centre News

This week's highlights:



A new story by the magical genius #jkrowling, and this one is totally free for all to read! So, get to it! The first two chapters are here!! Can’t wait to get into this book. https://www.theickabog.com/. I hope that you will read it aloud as it was intended.


World Enrivonment Day June 5 2020

Year 5 boys discovering books on climate change and 'what you can do!'
Year 5 boys discovering books on climate change and 'what you can do!'

In 2020, the theme is biodiversity – a concern that is both urgent and existential. Recent events, from bushfires in Australia, the United States, and Brazil to locust infestations across East Africa – and now, a global disease pandemic – demonstrate the interdependence of humans and the webs of life, in which they exist. Year 5 and 6 enjoyed reading the Picture Book Our House is on Fire, Greta Thunberg’s call to save the planet. The sixteen-year-old climate activist who has sparked a worldwide student movement and is demanding action from world leaders who refuse to address climate change—from acclaimed picture book creator Jeanette Winter. An informative lesson, which left us with WHAT WILL YOU DO?


Mrs Martin’s Book Trail: The Power of Positive Pranking by Nat Amoore. The Green Peas aren’t your average activists. When adults won’t listen, they will find a way to be heard. Maybe a symphony of alarm clocks at assembly will get their attention! When the greedy mayor needs to be taught a lesson, these three pals are perfect for the job. THE POWER OF POSITIVE PRANKING proves no activist is too small, no prank too big! #mrsmartinsbooktrail2020



Mrs Elena Martin - Teacher Librarian, Junior Resource Centre