Mission & Identity
- Year 12 Retreat
- St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal
Year 12 Retreat
Given the magnitude of so many changes to the school year due to government legislation related to social distancing, our Year 12 Retreat program needed to adapt to these changes. Our 2020 program began last Friday with Year 12 travelling to Oxford Falls for a day titled “Re-establishing Connections.” The day was designed to provide a retreat experience that did justice to our program, while at the same time attempting to create a sense of cohesiveness after our period of online learning and separation.
Through prayer and conversation the Year 12 students made connections with their peers, reflecting upon the experience of online learning for their HSC, while taking time to consider the strengths they have gained. Time was taken to consider their time at St Pius and in particular the concept of forming a social conscience. At a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice tradition, experiences are obtained by students to ensure that they “live” the touchstone – Justice and Solidarity. Blessed Edmund Rice called upon his brothers and students to “Give to the Poor in Handfuls!” During their time at St Pius, Year 12 recollected their experiences working towards a more socially just community. Students were also provided with time to consider their life beyond St Pius and how this ideal could be taken beyond their secondary schooling.
The day concluded with an opportunity to recognise their peers who had risen to the challenge of online learning, as well as participate in relaxation and breathing techniques as a form or relaxation in preparation for the upcoming examination periods.
We now look forward to the second part of the Year 12 Retreat experience to take place on 1 September. A number of guests have been organised, including Fr Jim Mckeon. This day has specifically been placed at the conclusion of the Trial HSC period and aims to assist Year 12 consider how they will “Go and make a difference.” (Matthew 28:16-20).
Mr Nathan Mulheron - Assistant Principal Mission and Identity
St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal: Supporting St Vincent de Paul and Jesuit Refugee Services
Week 7 marks the start of our annual SPX Winter Appeal, with the College collecting goods for St Vincent de Paul and Jesuit Refugee Services. In this difficult time, those in need have found themselves pushed further into the fringes of society, with many volunteer organisations not able to cater for those who are less fortunate.
Students are encouraged to consider the plight of those around us, and to act by 'giving to the poor in handfuls'.
Driven by Year 9, the appeal will run until Thursday 25 June (Week 9, Day 4). Student volunteers will be collecting goods during Homeroom.
We are in need of the following items:
Mr Ryan Balboa - Social Justice Coordinator