From the Principal
- Prayer
- With my Sincere Appreciation
- What to do if your son is unwell
- St Pius X College Covid-19 Student Dismissal Plan
- Annual College Survey
- New Sports Shirts
- Potential Return to ISA Winter Sports
- Commencement of ISA Training
- Protocols for Training
- College App Update
Pentecost has regularly been referred to as the "Birthday of the Church". It was at this point, through the power of the Holy Spirit, the disciples began to speak in the languages recognisable to people from all around. Now that Jesus was no longer with them in person, the disciples realised that they were called to spread the “Good News”, the ideals of Christ. These ideals includes the values found in the Gospels such as: mercy, forgiveness, compassion, hospitality and solidarity.
At Pentecost in 2020, we remember that we too are called to go out and live our faith – as the disciples were asked - so that those around us experience the Gospels message through our actions, and so we pray.
We cannot merely pray to you, O God, to end war;
For we know that You have made the world in a way that people must find their own path to peace within themselves and with their neighbours.
We cannot merely pray to You, O God, to end starvation;
For You have already given us the resources with which to feed the entire world,
if we would only use them wisely.
We cannot merely pray to You, O God, to stop all prejudice;
For You have already given us eyes with which to see the good in all people,
if we would only use them rightly.
We cannot merely pray to You, O God, to end despair;
For You have already given us the power to clear away slums and to give hope,
if we would only use our power justly.
Therefore we pray to You instead, O God, for strength, determination and will power,
To act instead of just pray,
To become an agent of change instead of merely to wish.
Blessed Edmund Rice – Pray for Us
St. Pius X – Pray for Us
Live Jesus in our Hearts – FOREVER!
This morning I was caught in total surprise by the students and staff. As we were beginning our usual Wednesday morning Staff Briefing in TEAMS, I was overtaken by a group of students and staff who came to my office and expressed their thanks for my efforts in leading our school during COVID-19. I was overwhelmed and totally humbled. It was very emotional and I didn’t realise until then just how much the past few months had impacted on me and I dare say on all of us.
The boys presented me with cards from all the Year groups with messages of appreciation and I am truly blown away! I was also presented with a fantastic South Sydney supporters jacket which is absolutely terrific.
I can only say that we are a fantastic team at St Pius and I deeply thank Mr Casey and the Leadership Team, all staff and of course our wonderful students and their parents.
It is a privilege to lead this beautiful community. I am so grateful.
I am very pleased and grateful to parents for the excellent response and cooperation throughout the COVID-19 situation. I thought it might be helpful to restate what parents should do if your son is feeling unwell. As per the advice from NSW Health, if your son is unwell keep him at home and contact your GP.
The doctor will decide to either consult the patient or send them directly to have a COVID-19 test. Parents may choose to go directly for COVID testing. If a student is tested, he is to remain at home until the family get the results. If they have a test they should advise the school of the result.
If negative the student returns to school when he is well. If the result is positive, the family should contact the school. NSW Health will also immediately contact the school Principal if there is a positive test and advise the process from there. The College has a full STUDENT DISMISSAL PLAN for this eventuality which will be sent to parents today.
Consistent with the guidelines and advice from NSW Health, the College has developed a clear COVID-19 STUDENT DISMISSAL PLAN in the event that the College is advised of a confirmed case of COVID-19 connected with the school. This will be sent to parents by separate email. It will also appear on the College Website and APP.
All parents and students are asked to familiarise themselves with the COVID-19 STUDENT DISMISSAL PLAN as it outlines the communication channels and the dismissal/pick-up procedures that will be followed. The College is well organised and we will calmly work through whatever situation arises. The Leadership Team continues to review all our procedures and we are vigilant in maintaining health and hygiene protocols and procedures throughout the school.
If you have any questions about this plan please contact the Deputy Principal, Mr Mark Casey mcasey@stpiusx.nsw,
All parents, students and staff will have received an invitation to complete the Annual Survey and I strongly encourage everyone to complete this. If you did not receive an email with a link to the survey please contact the College Registrar, Mrs Christine Jennings cjennings@stpiusx.nsw, or ring 94114733 and press 3 for Enrolments.
Congratulations to the 2020 Year 12 Student Leaders who designed our new Sports shirts. These shirts are their initiative and design and were supported by the P & F at the 2019 AGM. They will be phased in between now and 2022. The boys now only need the one Sports shirt and not a House shirt as well as a Sports shirt. This new Sports shirt is the only one they will need. It is a smart fabric and a great design. I congratulate the student leaders on this initiative which will be a terrific legacy into the future.
The shirts are now on sale for $40 each. The boys can still wear their current shirts right through until 2022. Below are photos of the shirts as modelled to the students by the House Captains.
Congratulations to Year 12.
Last Friday, the ISA Principals decided to start planning for a Winter Sports season for Football, Rugby and Tennis. The ISA has started some serious consideration for a potential shortened 5 week Winter season from 25 July – 22 August. There are strict protocols that the College will need follow for training and game day including risk assessments, hygiene, limitations on spectators and the like. In the event that Government policy changes or there are serious health issues, we will respond accordingly. A final decision from the ISA will be made in Week 8. I will keep the community informed.
The Junior school IPSHA (Sporting Association) has yet to make a determination about Term 3 Sport but this is likely to follow the ISA in time.
This Thursday 4 June, the First Football and Opens Rugby teams will have their first training session at Oxford Falls. All protocols will be followed - please see below.
Next Week (Week 7), all aged teams will commence training.
Tuesday and Thursday – Rugby training
Wednesday – Football training (In Week 8 Monday and Wednesday are Football training days)
Tennis training will recommence at our usual training courts on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons of Weeks 8 and 9 this term.
Following from the ISA Principal's Meeting held last week and the return to training, new protocols have been implemented to help keep all safe at this time. These protocols will remain in place until further notice.
- Additional buses to allow distancing on transport.
- No parent spectators at training.
- Limited use of change rooms.
- No sharing of personal equipment by students.
- Regular cleaning/wiping down of equipment.
- Students and staff must use their own drink bottles (name on them) and these are to be kept near sports/school bag.
- When being instructed or giving instructions, all participants and staff to maintain personal distance.
- Coaches to ensure students sanitise their hands before and after training.
- Sanitisers and hand washing facilities available in prominent places. All coaches to have sanitiser for their team.
Pick-up Procedures at Oxford Falls
Parents who have arrangements to pick up their son from Oxford Falls are asked to follow the directions from staff. Parents are asked to line their cars down Dreadnought Rd and stay down the northern end of the car park, pick up their boys as per the orange lines and exit through the bottom gate. Buses will follow the blue lines. Please see the image below.
A new improved version of the College App is now available. If your phone is set to automatically update apps, you do not need to do anything further otherwise click on the link below for your app store and “Update” the app for the latest version.
Mr John Couani - Principal