Delahey News 

VCAL Provider – Copperfield College

At the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) VCAL Awards which were held online on April 28th an intermediate Copperfield College VCAL student from the Class of 2019 won the Work Related Skills Award.

Jordan is a current Senior VCAL student completing a Head Start apprenticeship in Cabinet Making.  The awards celebrate the outstanding achievements of young people who participate in and complete a VCAL qualification.  

Jordan was proudly nominated for the Intermediate WRS award by his HeadStart Coordinator Maria Cox. Jordan’s excellent work ethic, industry knowledge and employability skills emerged over the course of the year as he worked at Westside Cabinets, completed his Year 11 at school and attended Certificate III in Cabinet Making at Victoria Polytechnic. 

Through his Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) and subsequent move into a part-time apprenticeship (Note: Jordan was the very first Head Start apprentice to be signed up in the Western Metropolitan region), Jordan has consistently demonstrated the full range of work related skills (communication, teamwork, planning and organising, self-management and learning, problem-solving, initiative and enterprise) in a variety of contexts. 

Jordan with his VCAA Award Trophy
Jordan with his VCAA Award Trophy




Ms Maria Cox

Headstart Coordinator




Year 12 VCAL Mini Future Pathways Presentation

This year, the Yr 12 VCAL mini pathways presentations looked a little different due to the closure of the school. Students recorded themselves presenting their pathway plan to achieve their learning outcomes for Skills for Further Study and PDS and submitted in google classroom. In order to achieve their learning outcomes for Skills for Further Study and PDS, the students are required to develop a pathway plan, and consider alternative pathways for study and training and deliver a sustained oral presentation to appropriate audiences.  This presentation provided students with the opportunity to improve and build upon their oral presentation skills for the final pathways presentation in term 3. Students should be extremely proud of their achievements and focus on the feedback given to enhance their skills. All parents and guardians are invited to attend their final presentation in term 3. Well done to everyone in involved.

Senior VCAL community Projects

The Senior VCAL students are have been working on their community projects the past term and are very close to finalising. This year we have 17 community projects planned and organised by the VCAL students at Copperfield College. Projects include a donation barrel that will be located in the Joan Kirner Hospital for collection of donations, a number of murals which will beautify certain areas within Western Health and a ball mosaic which will welcome the staff and patients to the hospital.

All students should be extremely proud of their achievements and commended for their ability to adapt to the changes to their projects due to remote learning. I look forward to seeing the final products!



Ms Lorenne Clarke

VCAL Leader






VCAL Student Enes

My name is Enes I am a year 12 VCAL student. 

On Thursday 18 June, Mr De Castro, Ms Rose and myself,displayed a Lego build in the Delahey LIbrary. The build will remained open for view till the end of term. 

An invitation was sent to teachers at the College:

Invitation to a unique Lego Display.

When: 18 June 2020

Where: Delahey Library Back left hand side.

Duration: 1 week 

Grand unveiling: 18 June 2020 1.45pm 

Theme: Fairytale Forest Transformers Invasion.

Build by: Enes, Mr De Castro and Rose Djemal

Lego Master: Juan De Castro.

Enes Report after Display

My name is Enes  and this is my Lego Display themed "Fairytale Forest Transformers Invasion". I started the project on Tuesday the 6 August 2019 and finished June 18 2020. The display was at the Library and we did it for 10 months. We were supposed to build the display for Brickvention but we cancelled because Mr De Castro already did it the year before. So now we did it in Delahey and I am proud of the project.


