Middle Years News

Bring your pets to school day
The Middle Years Team came up with some ideas to encourage more students to share their screens during video conferences in class and to have some fun!
Last week was "Bring your pets to school day".
Thanks to those who took part.
Year 9 - Iso Stories Competition
During remote learning the Year 9 Team launched an Iso Stories Competition.
The competition allowed students to share new skills learnt whilst learning at home. Thank you and well done to all the entries.
Weekly winners were:
Jaxon McIntyre 9B
Max Michailaros 9E
Belle Shi 9E
Connor Orders 9C
Please view the videos below for the winning entries:
Jaxon McIntyre
Max Michailaros
Belle Shi
Connor Orders
Thank you to the whole Year 9 cohort for all your hard work and efforts during the remote learning period and we can’t wait to see you all back at school onsite next Tuesday 9th June.
Best regards
Ms Cottone, Mr Leardi, Ms Ben, Ms Fleming and Ms Butler
The Year 9 Team