Senior Years News

Key Events coming up:
- VCE 2021 Acceleration Applications
- Subject Expo and Subject Selections 2021
Please be sure to read upcoming Newsletters and the Compass Newsfeed on information relating to these two key events. Due to COVID restrictions, we have had to be innovative in our approach to communicating this information so that you and your student can make informed decisions about 2021 subject choices. More information to follow.
Remote learning has provided an incredibly unique learning journey for our senior students. Students, teachers, and families have been challenged in many different ways and despite occasional frustrations, the experience has generated a huge insight into our students’ capacity as learners and our ability to pivot in the delivery of learning remotely.
As we move back into a school-based approach, we are working hard to ensure our staff and students feel safe and support each other to comply with health and safety guidelines. Senior School subject teachers will support students with the adjustment back into school; reflecting and reviewing the learning that has taken place throughout the term and facilitating a consolidation of concepts and skills.
The remote learning period, as well as Term 1 classroom-based learning, will be reflected in the June semester reports. However, due to the modified program, some VCE Outcomes may not be reported on in this reporting cycle. You will receive an email soon explaining which subjects have been affected. Consequently, feedback on any missed Outcomes will be communicated to you once the task has been completed and moderated.
It is testament to the resilience of those in our community that we have continued to find avenues to create experiences that engage and enhance. Isolation has inspired creativity with many online activities providing new and refreshing ways of forging connections. Now that the whole school will be back from June 9, we can step forward with eagerness in embracing an adjusted ‘connectivity’ amongst the school community.
Thank you,
Sue Calder
8458 2821
Year 12 News
From Dean Bettiol, Yr 12 Level Leader
Dear Families,
We have been back on campus for nearly two weeks now and it has been very thrilling to see students around the school. The students were happy to be back in class and happy to reconnect with their peers.
Students have shown incredible fortitude during this time and we are very grateful for all of their efforts. It cannot be underestimated the amount of extra duress this has put onto an already stressful year. When we challenge our limits we discover what we are capable of achieving. All of our limits have been tested and we have proven our capabilities.
We hope that the students will continue to reconnect with their teachers and each other in this time. Students should be asking questions of their teachers to fill in any gaps in knowledge that may have formed during remote learning.
As always, we are keen to provide the support that the students need. If your student needs extra assistance, please contact us.
Dean Bettiol
8458 2816