From the Principal


Welcome back

Last week we welcomed back our Grade 3 - Grade 6 students and have been delighted at the way they have slipped back into school routines, enjoying each others company and learning together again.  Schools are much better places with children in them.


We have also welcomed a new student, Eva, in Narelle Sencek's class.  We welcome your family to our school and look forward to getting to know you all. 


We are grateful

Last week our Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden program received a very generous donation from QIC (Queensland Investment Corporation) gardener, Barry Lucas, who works at Eastland Shopping Centre.  Barry was grateful for continued work during the COVID-19 pandemic and wanted to give something back to the community, through a school community.  Barry hand selected olive, apple, lemon and lime trees, along with passionfruit vines, rosemary and vegetable plants, along with a range of garden tools that he donated to school.  This donation will go a long way to setting up our new garden spaces once the work on the rear wall is complete.  


A number of vegetables could not be planted due to the need to pick them in the next few weeks and we are offering them to families to buy, raising funds to then buy and plant vegetables next term when the garden is available.  We are selling the seedlings for $5 a pot, or three for $10.  Please send the money along to school and your child will select seedlings to bring home.  These will be available until the middle of next week, or until they run out.

Unwell children 

Thank you to families are keeping their children home if they are unwell.  We have also sent a number of children home who have presented with flu-like symptoms and we thank those families for collecting their children promptly.  If children have any of the flu-like symptoms (cough, runny nose, fever, sore throat) we ask that they are tested for the COVID-19 virus and let the school know the results of this test before the child is returned to school.  These new rules ensure that everyone remains healthy and safe from infection.


Staggered departure - Friday 26 June

On the final day for Term 2, Friday 26 June, we will be dismissing students alphabetically, at staggered times, see below:

Surnames A – H


Surnames I-Q


Surnames R-Z and all students walking home alone 

or riding their bikes


BUILDING UPDATE - Panfield Ave School Access from Term 3

As our building works progress, Grove, the building construction company, are preparing to set up their work site.  This will impact access to school for all pedestrians and vehicles who use the Panfield Ave entry.   Grove will be setting up their site office along the driveway and footpath entry on Panfield Ave.  From the end of the school day on Friday 26 June, Panfield Ave as an entry to the school, will not be available for any pedestrian and vehicle access for school families.  All students will be required to enter the school via the Mullum Mullum Road gate.  There will be some upgrade work completed during the upcoming school holiday period to ensure safe delivery of students to school.


Should the staggered starts and finishes continue to be required in Term 3, we will use existing arrangements, but use only one gate.  Further information about this will be provided when available.


BUILDING UPDATE - Asbestos Removal

Over the next two weekends, asbestos in the old buildings will be removed in preparation for the demolition of the buildings.  This work will be supervised by Grove and conducted under all health and safety regulations for this work.  The school grounds will be out of bounds this Saturday as the work is undertaken.  If you live in the streets surrounding the school you should have received a notice about this work in your letterbox.


BUILDING UPDATE - Retaining walls

The rear retaining wall is well underway and promising to be a feature at the rear of the property, check out these photos:

BUILDING UPDATE - Disconnecting services and demolition

Electricians, plumbers and the demolition crew have been on site this week, preparing for the disconnection of services to the old buildings, in preparation for demolition during the upcoming school holiday period.   We expect that when we return in Term 3 we will notice a significant difference to the look of our school.  Everything is on track for us to move into the new classrooms in the September holidays.


Head lice

We have had a number of children present with head lice over the last few days.  Please take some time to check your child for head lice and nits.  I have attached a document from Better Health that has information and helps to explain treatment of head lice and nits.


Foundation 2021

At 4:30 this afternoon we are conducting a virtual information session for prospective families looking to enrol their child in Foundation in 2021.  Please call Kelli at the office to receive Webex details for this meeting if you, or a friend is interested in joining us. Enrolments for Foundation 2021 are to be at the office by Friday 7 August.



Assembly this Friday

Tomorrow, Friday 19 June, we will be running a Webex School Assembly at 9:30am.  Links to the meeting were sent out today on Compass.  We hope you can join us from the comfort of your living room and join in the celebration of the return to school. 



Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund

The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund provides payment for eligible students to attend activities like camps, swimming, sport activities.   Families who hold a means-tested concession card or temporary foster parents are eligible to apply.  With some families experiencing changes in their work arrangements due to COVID-19, may now find themselves eligible for this fund.  If you would like to know more please call Kelli at the office to discuss this before the end of the term.


Parking Infringements

Maroondah City Council have informed me that their Local Laws Officers will be actively patrolling school areas across Maroondah from Monday 15 June.   Over the past two weeks, our officers have observed many drivers with poor parking behaviour, including not adhering to control signs such as ‘No Stopping’ and ‘Drop off zones’ and yellow painted lines. 


If motorists are found to be breaching any road rules they will be issued with an infringement.  A Local Laws officer may do this by either attaching the infringement to the vehicle, handing it to the driver or by sending it to the registered owner of the vehicle. There is no requirement for an officer to have a conversation with a driver prior to issuing an infringement.  If anyone receives an infringement, they have a right to an internal review, details of which can be obtained on Council’s website.


Council understands that drop-off and pick-up times can be a stressful time for parents and guardians, especially with social distancing requirements and staggered pick up and drop offs. However, they want to ensure that there is a safe environment for all road users and pedestrians.


We appreciate efforts to comply with Local Parking Laws and encourage families to walk to and from school whenever possible.