From the School...

Welcome to all our new families and Welcome Back to all our returning Families.


Whilst we have just completed our second week of school, we will share some information about the school.


Below is a list of all our staff...


Reception/Year 1 Yellow - Katie Ozgo and Janie Steele

Reception/Year 1 Blue - Rachael DeTullio


Year 2/3 Yellow - Petar Brnabic 

Year 2/3 Blue - Amanda Brook


Year 4/Year 5 Yellow - Katie Day

Year 5/Year 6 Blue - Alana Del Medico and Nicholas Hrisafinas


Physical Education - Nicholas Hrisafinas

Performing Arts - Katie Ozgo

Italian - Alana Del Medico


Flourishing Hearts (4-year-old transition program) - Pauline Devetzidis


EALD - Paula Burns and Michaela Edwards

Literacy Coach - Paula Burns


Administration - Leia Sparkman, Anita Frangiosa, Damian Emery and Alice Griessl

Curriculum ESOs - Toni Pipe, Sandra Rapuano, Albert Tetevi, Pauline Devetzidis, Zofia Davies-von Pein , Abz Wilson and Meredith Pettit

Grounds person - Graeme Harris

IT - Steve Simmons

OHSC - Guilia Imbrogno

Community Hub - Bonnie Creek

Wellbeing Team - Chelsea Foster, Anthony Elmassih (Chaplain) and Jason Puttnins


Assistant Principal - Religious, Identity and Mission - Paula Burns

Assistant Principal - Innovation, Inclusion and Wellbeing - Jason Puttnins

Principal - Shannon Correll



Thank you to all the families who attended on Wednesday evening we had 62% of our families attend. We would love some feedback from the evening from parents...


A few ideas from the staff are... 

10-minute gathering before had for parents to mingle in their year level. 

A 10-minute changeover to allow parents to move through the school to their children's classes. 

Any other ideas are welcomed.


Important Dates this term...


Tuesday 21st of  February - Shrove Tuesday - Families are invited to attend at 8:30 am for a pancake


Wednesday 22nd of February - Ash Wednesday - Beginning of Lent


Friday 10th of March is a Pupil Free Day - No students at school (OHSC is available)


Monday 13th of March - Public Holiday - Adelaide Cup Day - School Closed


Monday 15th to the 27th of March - NAPLAN


Tuesday 21st March - Harmony Day - Students wear Orange


Monday 27th to 29th of March - Learning Conversations - Parents meet with teachers


Tuesday 4th of April - Annual General Meeting for School Board - Parents welcome


Friday 7th of April is Good Friday - School is closed


Monday 10th of April is Easter Monday - School is closed


Friday 14th of April is the last day of term students finish at 3 pm


Safety Reminder

Students and families are reminded to be wary of approaches from strangers, especially when they are unaccompanied or travelling to and from school.  If they are approached students should not respond and should not accept offers of rides or gifts.


Students should seek the assistance of other nearby adults if they feel unsafe and should report the event to a trusted adult (parent or school staff member) as soon as possible.


SAPOL advises that taking out a mobile phone and calling the police can deter the offender and they recommend the student make a formal report to their closest police station.


PLEASE use the school crossing Many parents are walking their children across the road and not utilising the school crossing.  This is dangerous for both you and your child and it is an offence and you can be fined $145.

  • It is an offence to cross a road within 20 metres of a pedestrian crossing at a place other than the pedestrian crossing (rule 234 of the Australian Road Rules).

Please also note that the required speed of 25 km per hour is the speed you need to be doing in front of the school, again you will be fined and receive demerit points.


Also please pay attention to the parking times around the school, drivers who park in the lead-up to the crossing, make it very unsafe for the children crossing.  We are all responsible for our community, please don't put students and the staff at risk by parking here. 


Child Protection

South Australian Catholic schools place the highest priority on the care, well-being and protection of children and young people.  In South Australia, Child Protection policy and practices support a proactive role in the care, well-being and protection of children and young people, the provision of child-safe environments and intervention procedures for responding to abuse and neglect.


Every child has the right to be safe and free from all kinds of abuse, including bullying and harassment, and neglect.


Schools are mandated child safe environments with legal, policy and procedural requirements for staff and volunteers.


The South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools (SACCS) requires its schools to implement child safety policies and practices, including child safety education.


Please explore the links below to see Child Protection policies and associated materials: They are also available on the CESA website:  Safe Environments for All | Catholic Education South Australia (


St Brigid's School also has their own policy for Child Protection which can be found here:

St_Brigids_School_Child_Protection_Policy_.pdf (  



Please ensure you have access to SeeSaw for each of your children/ or your child's class. We use this as a regular form of communication for individual classes. We look forward to continuing to work with you and your family for the success of your child/ren.


Yours in Love, Peace and Learning