Student of the Week

Award being presented: 17th Feb

00AJuliet - for having an amazing start to Great Ryrie Primary School. Your positive energy and willingness to try new things makes you an amazing learner! Great work Juliet! 
00BAnnabelle - for settling into life as a Great Ryrie Primary School student with ease. You show kindness to those around you and are always the first to offer a helping hand. You’re amazing Annabelle! 
00CPippa T - for having such a wonderful start to foundation and always being so respectful to your teacher and classmates. Keep up the awesome work Pippa! 
00DZoe B - for making such a wonderful start to Foundation! Well done Zoe, you have settled in so well to school life!  
00EAdrian M - for your lovely positive attitude and being a shining star in your first week of school! Well done, Adrian! 
1ALuke - for being an excellent role model, displaying all of our school values at all times. What a positive start to the year. 
1BOwen - for a brilliant start to the school year. You are an excellent role model as you consistently display our school values within the classroom and outside.  I am so proud of you. Well done and keep up the good work! 
1CJedda - for having such a wonderful start at GRPS. You have settled into our school community perfectly and we are so lucky to have you in 1C. 
1DThung Pi - for showing enthusiasm about learning, being a responsible classmate and doing a very funny impression of his teacher!  
2AMillie H - for making an outstanding start to Year 2. Thank you for modelling our school values so beautifully and for putting your best effort into all your work. 
2BOliver R - for making such a fantastic start to the term and working and modelling the school values of Respect, being Responsible and always ready to Learn. Well done Oliver. 
2CXander S–S - for making an excellent start at GRPS. You are a wonderful addition to our school community! 

Louella - for a great attitude towards all the new and exciting things in Grade 3.  Your enthusiasm and smile are infectious. 

Lenny M - For setting the standard high and demonstrating respect and responsibility consistently in your start to Grade 3. 

3BWill D - For consistently checking in on your mates during the first few weeks of Term. What a wonderful friend you are! 
4AThomas - for a wonderful start to the year. You consistently put your best effort into your learning and show all of our school values daily.  
4BLexi - for always displaying our school values and having such a positive attitude towards your learning. What a start to the year! 
4CZac W - For displaying our school values as you respect others, take responsibility for your things and have been an amazing learner. You are a wonderful role model! 
5AMatisse M - for her positive attitude to her learning and settling into her new school with such enthusiasm.  
5BVidit A - for consistently displaying a love of learning and contributing so positively to our classroom. 
5CJess M - for showing great confidence during phonogram reviews and especially with ‘talking to your pencil’  
6AHannah Z - for a wonderful start to year 6. You show respect and leadership in all that you do! 
6BJudah C - for a wonderful start to the year. Your effort and enthusiasm in our classroom is fantastic. Keep up the great work. 

Allison Q - for giving 110% to all her class tasks and showing responsibility and leadership with suggestions for the classroom

EALSuan Pi 2C - for your effort in our EAL group this week! You have displayed responsible, respectful behaviour and an amazing attitude towards learning!  
IndonesianMax Y 5B - for broadening his vocabulary and making compound sentences in Indonesian. Bagus sekali! 
Physical EducationRyder H - for showing fantastic responsibility when packing up the equipment. You were an awesome helper. 
Performing ArtsYashada L and Grace B - for showing such enthusiasm and interest, when learning the role of a Performing Arts Captain. You are demonstrating responsibility and leadership and are great role models for the younger children. 
ArtClive G-K - for taking great care to create a beautiful Bunjil feather for our whole school collaborative artwork.  
Science and TechnologyMagnus W - For completing his Digital License modules in his own time at home!