From the AP's 

We are so fortunate to have an incredible staff at Great Ryrie and over the course of the year we will be introducing them to you through the Newsletter. Mrs Rice and I are lucky enough to be the Assistant Principals of this amazing school, and we would like to share a little a bit about ourselves and our roles.

Miss Roberts

I have been lucky enough to work with Mrs Rice for seven years now, and over that time we have led many different curriculum areas together. My favourite would have to be the work in Literacy that has been the focus for the past few years. For those that don’t know us well, we do love to talk, so it can be hard to get a word in. The teachers take a big inhale breath when we turn up to their planning meetings as they know what they are in for. Being an AP is such a terrific job due to the diversity of the role. Mrs Rice and I do everything from mentoring staff, delivering professional learning sessions, supporting students, to moving furniture and cleaning up messy situations in the toilet. I do have to say that Mrs Rice is already showing excellent skills in this last area. I feel incredibly privileged to work alongside both Mrs Rice and of course Mrs Rouda. We are all incredibly passionate about our job, but understand the importance of having a lots of fun with both the students and staff.  

Mrs Rice

Hi, my name is Lauren Rice and I am currently working as one of the  Assistant Principals at Great Ryrie Primary School. You may have seen my face around the school  as I have been working at GRPS for the last 14 years in the EAL teaching role/Literacy Leadership alongside Miss Roberts, which I have thoroughly enjoyed. As part of my new Assistant Principal role, I lead the Numeracy Curriculum Team, EAL Curriculum Team, work alongside Hollie Serollo in the area of Facilities and Projects, work with the Extension and Support Program as well as Pre-Service teachers.  Miss Roberts and I work well together, maybe too well sometimes as we are often very enthusiastic and love to talk! It is a really busy role but I love working with the staff and community at Great Ryrie Primary School. When I am not at school, I enjoy spending time with my husband, three children and my favourite member of my family, my new puppy Jinx!  


What’s on next week


Just a reminder that Assemblies are being held fortnightly and our first for the year is next Friday at 9:10am in the Sports and Performance Centre. This will be a presentation assembly for our student leadership positions. 


Parent Teacher Interviews

Parent Teacher Interviews/Parent Teacher conferences will be held on Wednesday 15th February. 

We look forward to welcoming all our parents into our classrooms to meet with the teachers. The purpose of the conference is for parents to meet their child’s teacher and discuss important information that could help teachers support students, as well as talk about children’s strengths and hopes for the year ahead. These conferences will be held in person in your child’s classroom. 

Please ensure you have booked in for a conference through the Compass Portal.


URStrong Parent and Student Workshop

Make sure to read the Student Wellbeing Page to find details about a terrific event being held by Eastland all about the URStrong program that we have implemented from Foundation to Year 6. The link to book tickets for this free event are on the flyer found on the Wellbeing page of this newsletter.  

Year 3 - 6 Cross Country

We literally hit the ground running in our second week back with Year 3 – 6 Cross Country. Mr MacCartney organised the event brilliantly and it was fantastic to see all students giving it a go. This year I noticed all the students giving it their absolute best and pushing themselves right to the end. Congratulations to Freeman and Perkins who drew in first place.


Best on ground would have to go to Ibu Sia. She not only participated in the event, but ran for the entire time with all age groups. What an athlete, look out Mr MacCartney!


Annual privacy reminder for our school community

Our school collects, uses, discloses and stores student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy which can be found on the school website. Please take time to read our school’s collection notice, also found on our website. 


We also remind parents that at Great Ryrie we use Google Workspace for Education. In Years 3 - 6, Google Classroom is set up for each grade and allows teachers to post curriculum tasks or homework tasks. Students are able to submit work through this portal. This platform was used successfully during home learning and is provided by the Department of Education.  If you would like to review the guidance we provide on how we use Google Workspace for Education safely at the school, and what parents can do to further protect their child’s information, please read the pdf below. 

For more information about privacy, refer to: Schools’ Privacy Policy — information for parents. This information is also available in ten community languages:

* Amharic

* Arabic

* Dari

* Gujarati

* Mandarin

* Somali

* Sudanese

* Turkish

* Urdu

* Vietnamese