Student Leaders 2023
Sport Leaders
Message from our school captains Castiel and Kira
So far we have all done a lot of jobs and enjoyed being leaders. As school captains we are meeting with the preps to introduce ourselves and offer them support. We also hosted our first assembly and talked in front of the whole school which was fun. We attended our first student leader meeting and talked about our values as leaders. Overall, we are really looking forward to leading this school and meeting you.
Message from our sports leaders Jayden and Jordan
I'm really looking forward to helping out the Year 1's and supporting them. Hopefully I can do heaps of sport events with them during the year. I think going around to the Year 1 classes was a success.
I'm really excited to be able to help with heaps of school events in 2023. Every Thursday I will try to persuade OHSC workers to let me go outside to help with Mr Chazbek's active Thursday's. I'm also really excited to be able to help out with the Year 1's.
Learning Leaders
House Leaders