Prep Update
Prep A-Miss Hope, Prep B-Miss Papa, Prep C-Mrs Lloyd, Prep D-Mrs Herres, Prep E-Ms Rhimes.
Prep Update
Prep A-Miss Hope, Prep B-Miss Papa, Prep C-Mrs Lloyd, Prep D-Mrs Herres, Prep E-Ms Rhimes.
During the next fortnight, the focus for Prep students will remain settling into school and developing positive routines.
We will be undertaking learning in following areas:
SEL | Students will be learning about the Zones of Regulation. We will be exploring each zone and the feelings that come along with them. We will explore a range of strategies to remain and return to the green zone. We will be discussing developing friendships and investigating how we can make positive choices to be 'Bucket fillers.'
Reading | Students will begin to engage in daily Phonics lessons, focusing on the letter 'm' and the sound that it makes. |
Writing | Students will practice correct pencil grip and engage in fine motor activities. We will practice writing our names. |
Maths | We will begin to investigate the maths process, matching numbers 0-10 and counting forwards and backwards. |
| We will be exploring the range of cultures within our classroom and our family identities. |
Prep students have made a wonderful start to their school journey and we are very proud of them!