Today a hard copy survey for parents was sent home with your child. We hope you can find a few minutes to comment and return the survey to the school. Surveys are anonymous and can be posted directly into the secure letterbox in the front office.



Unfortunately, online survey companies such as survey monkey now charge rather hefty annual fees for their services. As we do very few surveys in this way each year, we have elected to go 'old school' to collect this information.



Every four years all schools undertake a review process that evaluates a school's performance and then develops future goals for the next four-year strategic planning cycle. 


This process takes place over two school terms. This term we gather information and evidence. We evaluate student data collected over the past four years from various assessment tasks. This includes annual surveys conducted for students (grades 4-6), parents and staff also feed into this process.


In term 1 2023 an external panel will be established to review all information. The panel consists of a department-contracted reviewer, department officers, and two 'challenge partners' (principals from other schools). As part of the process, the panel will seek face-to-face meetings with staff, students, and parents.


The purpose of this process is to objectively evaluate the school's performance over the past four years and use this information to constructively develop the next four-year strategic plan which will guide our school's future work.


As part of the information-gathering phase, we invite feedback about our school. We have already sought the views of staff and students and now we are seeking the views of parents. The survey aims to gather a broad view of how parents see the school. We hope you can find some time to respond to the attached survey and help us develop a more comprehensive picture of our organization.