Student Awards

Learning Power Award Recipients

Congratulations to students who have been recognised by staff for their demonstration of one or many of the 6 Learning Powers celebrated at SMDP.

  • Collaboration
  • Curiosity
  • Creativity
  • Reflection
  • Motivation
  • Resilience

On Monday during our whole school assembly, the following students were acknowledged and their learning described so we all know why they are worthy recipients of our awards and applause.


We send out a big virtual clap to the following students.

Week 8



For being a fantastic collaborative learner in Prep L last week! Kai showcased his leadership skills in demonstrating his ability to follow the WOW’s and encourage his classmates to do the same. Kai has been pairing up with new people in Prep to do his learning and his confidence is growing so much because of this. Well done Kai!



For being a resilient learner who rises up to challenging learning with a smile.  Steele is not afraid to make mistakes and have a go.  You should be proud of your effort and determination, keep it up!



For being a motivated learner who is focused and ready to learn. He has tried his best to get started on tasks straight away and asks peers for support when needed.  Casey has been following instructions and using his time effectively. 



For being a collaborative learner who is sensitive to the needs of others. She is a great friend who cares for others and supports them in any way that she can. Her big smile and positive attitude is infectious to those around her! We are so lucky to have you in our community Lasya! 


Sofia L

For being a reflective learner who has been working on ‘letting it go’ and not letting small problems get in the way of her learning. This skill has resulted in her performing an entertaining readers theatre with her group and writing an informative writing piece on Polar Bears. Keep working on this Sophia, well done!



For being a motivated learner who is engaged, focused and makes each piece of work her own. She always adds a little bit more into all her learning and submits each task with pride.



For being a curious and motivated learner who investigated the country of Mexico in his own writing. You researched and wrote incredible detail that showcased your knowledge of this country.  Well done on taking initiative to increase your knowledge! Great work Harley.



For being a collaborative learner who encourages and includes his classmates in group learning tasks. Akshay communicates well and listens to others, working hard to achieve team learning goals. 



For being a resilient and creative learner. Trish, it has been great to see you think outside of the box when solving maths problems by using a range of different strategies. You give everything a go, and that’s why you’ve come so far this year! Well done Trish!

Week 7



For being a collaborative learner who has been demonstrating strong leadership skills at swimming! Oscar has been following directions at swimming, managing his belongings and helping his peers to do the same! What a fantastic way to enter Year 1 Oscar, well done! 



For working so hard at becoming a motivated learner.  You are following directions and building organisational skills that help you succeed in your learning.  You should be proud of your effort. Well done, Rhea.



For being a collaborative learner who always listens to his peers and contributes to the group effectively. Lucas encourages his table to keep the work space neat and tidy and always puts his full effort into group tasks. Your table is very lucky to have you Lucas! Well done!



For being a creative learner who has created an interesting and engaging writing piece about volcanoes. Lavit has been working hard on improving his handwriting and including exciting words. Well done on your hard work Lavit! 



For being a motivated learner and classmate who is always listening and responding with care and a thoughtful attitude. She is a good friend and a valued member of our classroom community. Her motivation to learn and help is appreciated and applauded. Well done Leah!



For being a creative learner who approaches learning by experimenting with different solutions to problems. When creating his invention with a peer, he used his imagination and innovative thinking to come up with ‘The Electromagnet’. He found a need, designed it and improved it further after receiving feedback from Engineer James. He’s not afraid to think outside the box and explore the unknown. 



For being a reflective learner in writing who takes on teacher feedback to make his pieces even better. You have thought about what you are writing and implemented feedback received to adjust your sentences and make them more interesting by using descriptive language. Thank you for always being a fabulous class member who helps others and your teachers.



For being a motivated student who is hardworking and organised. Saanvi uses her time wisely to diligently complete all learning tasks to a high standard. 



For being a collaborative and motivated learner. You worked effectively with your partner to create a well researched and sophisticated debate. You presented clearly, and had obviously rehearsed your presentation so that you were familiar with your speech and read confidently. Fantastic work Clara!