Grade 3/4

PJs and Movie Fun !


As Part of our Literacy Class text study, the grade 3/4s have been reading the book: ‘Wonder’. We have decided to celebrate the conclusion of the text by watching the movie. To make the experience EXTRA SPECIAL ....we wore our PJ’s and ate popcorn with our friends whilst viewing the movie ‘Wonder’. It was AMAZING!!!! 


This movie tells the incredibly inspiring and heart-warming story about an ordinary boy that loved Star Wars and played video games.


The text ‘Wonder’ has a lot of positive messages and helps us to look at life in a very optimistic way. 


We do learn a great lesson and hence I suggest everyone read this book at least once in their history of reading books. I would like to give this book a 9/10.


The book is about a boy named August (Auggie) Pullman. He has had many surgeries on his face....27 in fact! Wonder is a great book !   Everyone should read it!